Home of the picbasic community
Melabs PicBasic Pro is a BASIC language compiler for the PIC microcontroller family of microcontrollers. It is designed to provide an efficient, powerful, and easy to use environment for programming and hardware interfacing with the PIC microcontroller. It provides a comprehensive set of language features and allows for the creation of sophisticated embedded applications.
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The PicBasic Pro Community Forum is an online discussion board dedicated to providing technical assistance, support, and advice to users of the PicBasic Pro programming language and development environment. PicBasic Pro users can join the forum to ask questions and receive help from experienced users and developers, as well as post sample code, tips, and tricks to help others.
The forum provides a great resource for troubleshooting issues, exploring new ideas, and helping users get the most out of their PicBasic Pro experience.
By joining and participating in the forum, PicBasic Pro users can gain valuable advice and support from other users, find solutions to common problems, discuss code optimisation, and develop better coding habits.
Crownhill Associates provides the PicBasic Community Forum as a way to support and encourage PICBASIC users. It provides a space for users to share tips and advice on using the MELabs PICBASIC Compiler. Additionally, the forum provides a platform for users to directly discuss issues related to the compiler with the Crownhill staff and other knowledgeable users. By fostering this exchange, Crownhill Associates is able to ensure that the PICBASIC Compiler is well-supported and continues to remain at the top of the industry.