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Thread: FineLineIDE

  1. #41
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by jellis00 View Post
    Norm, I encountered a problem with FL not being able to compile the ReEnterPBP-18.bas version 1.4 which was an INCLUDE in one of my application codes.

    Has anyone else had this problem with ReEnterPBP-18.bas ??

    John Ellis
    It looks like the compiler is indicating an error which is PBP not FL IDE.
    Is the result the same with MicrocodeStudio IDE?


  2. #42
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Are you compiling the ReEnter.bas routine itself?


  3. #43
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    It looks like you haven't selected a device yet.

    Select an 18F and try again.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Is it possible to add compatability with Asix UP Presto programmer

    Last edited by timmers; - 26th July 2011 at 09:52.

  5. #45
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by timmers View Post
    Is it possible to add compatability with Asix UP Presto programmer

    From "Using UP from the command line" under "Tips and tricks" in the help section of the UP software program.
    Using UP from the command line
    The program itself ensures to be run in a single instance. If there is another instance being run, the command line parameters are handed over to the already running instance to be executed.

    Parameter overview
    up.exe [{/ask | /q}] [{/e eeprom_file.hex | [/noe]}] [{/p | [/pdiff] | [/o]} file.hex | file.ppr] [/eeonly] [/part part_name] [/erase] [/w[nd] up_window_class] [/cfg ] [/devid ] [/blank ] [/verify file] [/s programmer_SN]

    The text in bold is to be put on the command line as is.
    The text in italic is to be replaced by real parameter, e.g. file_name is to be replaced by real name of the file to be opened.

    Text in curly brackets separated by | (pipes) represents a single choice from the listed items. e.g. { A | B } means "choose just one of A or B".
    Text in [braces] represents optional parameter which can be used, but can also be omitted.

    /ask Ask. To be used with /p. If the parameter is used, the program always prompts the user whether to program the part, even if this was disabled in the Settings of the program. The confirmation dialog also shows selected part type.
    /q /quiet Quiet mode. In this mode the program does not require any user intervention, but rather silently returns to an error code instead of displaying a dialog. See return error codes.
    /e file EEPROM file. Name of a file containing EEPROM data. If the name contains spaces, it is necessary to enclose it by quotes. This parameter can be used together with /o or /p parameter only.
    /noe No EEPROM. Causes the program to skip EEPROM programming. If used with the MSP430 devices, the program skip all operations with the information memory.
    /p file Program. Programs given file to code memory. If the name contains spaces, it is necessary to enclose it by quotes.
    /pdiff file Program differentially. Programs given file. If the name contains spaces, it is necessary to enclose it by quotes.
    /o file Open. File with given name will be opened. Optional parameter. If the name contains spaces, it is necessary to enclose it by quotes.
    /eeonly The programmer will do the selected operation for EEPROM memory only, with MSP430 for Information memory only.
    /part name Selects the specified part in the UP.
    /erase The part will be erased.
    /wnd class name Select another window class name. Using this parameter you can open more than one instance of program UP. Each instance must have unique window class name.
    /cfg If this parameter is used together with /p parameter, only configuration memory is programmed. It's useful for example for AVR devices programming, because the user can configure the chip for faster oscillator first and then to program it much faster.
    /devid If this parameter is used together with /p parameter, only the Device ID of the chip is checked.
    /blank The program will do Blank Check of the chip.
    /verify file Does the part verification.
    /s programmer_SN This parameter allows to select the programmer in accordance with its serial number. The serial number can be entered as it is displayed in the UP or printed on the programmer, e.g.016709 or A6016709.
    When working on several different projects it is likely that the program is set to use a part or programmer other than the one the user assumed. In such case using project files (.PPR), which contain all necessary settings including the file path, is strongly recommended.

    Opening a file
    up.exe file name

    up.exe file.hex
    up.exe "C:\My Documents\Recent Projects\PIC\My latest project\flasher.hex"

    Programming the part
    up.exe /p file name
    up.exe /p file.hex
    up.exe /p "C:\My Documents\Recent Projects\PIC\My latest project\flasher.hex"

    Return error codes
    0 - No errors.
    1 - File error, e.g. file not found, unrecognized file format.
    2 - Device error. Communication test failed, error in communication.
    3 - Programming preparation error, e.g. failed to erase part.
    4 - Programming error.
    5 - Verification failed.
    6 - User interaction needed.
    7 - Device ID error.
    This is a start point, others may be helpful.


  6. #46
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    It looks like you haven't selected a device yet.

    Select an 18F and try again.
    Another stupid mistake on my part. Thanks Darrel!

  7. #47
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by Normnet View Post
    A user manual is in the plans for the next version.

    Norm, here are two suggested changes to your next version of FL...MCS already does this and it is handy:
    1) Put a link in the HELP menu to the forum at
    2) Put a link in the HELP menu to your FL URL at

    Having these readily available while using the IDE saves the time of opening up a browser and entering these URLs when you are trying to debug code in the FL editor.
    Last edited by jellis00; - 26th July 2011 at 23:53.

  8. #48
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    I really like using FL. I am especially thankful for the way you implemented the interface to the EasyPIC6 so that I can use the following chain automatically from FL to program code into my EasyPIC6: FL editor, MSASM assembler, PBPro compiler, MikroFLASH programmer. This saves so much time and makes the coding/programming process a piece of cake with an EasyPIC6. Good job!

  9. #49
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by jellis00 View Post
    Norm, here are two suggested changes to your next version of FL...MCS already does this and it is handy:
    1) Put a link in the HELP menu to the forum at
    2) Put a link in the HELP menu to your FL URL at

    Having these readily available while using the IDE saves the time of opening up a browser and entering these URLs when you are trying to debug code in the FL editor.
    The first link is under Help > Original Compiler Online Forum.
    The second link will be added.
    On start if checked in options FL does check this page for updates though.

    FL should also show a message "Select a Device before Programming" when none is selected.


  10. #50
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Hi Norm,
    Thanks for that, I hadn't spotted the setups were configurable. However, I cannot get FL to use any programmer except the first one in the list. So I changed the first one to the Presto.

    If UP is allready open with the correct device allready selected, the filename is picked up and performs an erase, programme and verification fine. (command line switches field empty). If I add /part $target-device$ it doesn't change to the selected device as if its ignoring the switch. The filename is picked up without any switch options!

    If UP is not open, a popup window opens and asks for the device type. If I enter the device, UP will only blank check without erasing or programming the part. All switch options are ignored.

    Is there an option to not convert tabs to spaces? I like working with tabs and would like to continue so.

    Having closed FL and re-opening, I now get the error message "no previous picbasic pro programming" and closes the session when attempting programming.

    Any suggestions?
    (WIN XP pro)


  11. #51
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by timmers View Post
    Hi Norm,
    Thanks for that, I hadn't spotted the setups were configurable. However, I cannot get FL to use any programmer except the first one in the list. So I changed the first one to the Presto.

    If UP is allready open with the correct device allready selected, the filename is picked up and performs an erase, programme and verification fine. (command line switches field empty). If I add /part $target-device$ it doesn't change to the selected device as if its ignoring the switch. The filename is picked up without any switch options!

    If UP is not open, a popup window opens and asks for the device type. If I enter the device, UP will only blank check without erasing or programming the part. All switch options are ignored.

    Is there an option to not convert tabs to spaces? I like working with tabs and would like to continue so.

    Having closed FL and re-opening, I now get the error message "no previous picbasic pro programming" and closes the session when attempting programming.

    Any suggestions?
    (WIN XP pro)

    Just a guess but try /part target-device
    Keep trying variations.

    Tabs don't work well with FL as each tab width is different depending on the line above indentation.
    This makes it much slower to determine the start point for drawing the FineLine if-endif brackets.
    The tab key will still work in FL however it will write/save in spaces rather than a variable width tab.
    I'll try a line by line tab width measurement for the next version as an option however to see if it is feasible.

    "no previous picbasicpro programming" is a message displayed when pressing the Program Only button before having first compiled.
    Try compile and program first.


  12. #52
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Full tabs compatibility option has been added to the next version of FL!


  13. #53
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by Normnet View Post
    Full tabs compatibility option has been added to the next version of FL!

    Another nice feature that is needed in FLide is the ability to print code listings. I looked for a way to print and couldn't find one.
    John Ellis

  14. #54
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by Normnet View Post
    Full tabs compatibility option has been added to the next version of FL!


    Is there a way to disable "code crosses boundary" prompts?

    I will come back to the UP programmer settings. Does FL just add the switches as typed or are they decoded/fiddled with at all?

  15. #55
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by timmers View Post

    Is there a way to disable "code crosses boundary" prompts?

    I will come back to the UP programmer settings. Does FL just add the switches as typed or are they decoded/fiddled with at all?
    That would be a function of the compiler (PBP) not the editor (FL).
    Unless it's a '<FL_xxxxx>' comment command all switches are for the compiler.


  16. #56
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    NAH, easy solution when using MPASM, add the following line at the top of your code.
    @     ERRORLEVEL -306 ; supress code boundary message
    It is just a warning, I guess the function in MCSP just ignore it when it happen. So yeah, it could be a feature of FineLine. Just parse the begining of the message, analyze it, ignore it... and you're done
    Last edited by mister_e; - 29th July 2011 at 09:13.

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
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  17. #57
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e View Post
    NAH, easy solution when using MPASM, add the following line at the top of your code.
    @     ERRORLEVEL -306 ; supress code boundary message
    It is just a warning, I guess the function in MCSP just ignore it when it happen. So yeah, it could be a feature of FineLine. Just parse the begining of the message, analyze it, ignore it... and you're done
    On compile button press the IDE saves your code to it's file and passes the file path to PBP.exe to compile to an assembly file.
    As a rule the IDE doesn't fiddle with the code as it wouldn't reopen the same if the IDE was closed after a compile.
    Thinking out loud I suppose the IDE on compile could add the line "@ ERRORLEVEL -306 ; suppress code boundary message" to file to be compiled and re save the original after compile is complete but their really is no reason to do so.
    Another way would be if FL were to simply not report a specific compiler warning however again no reason to do so as adding Mr E's line of code is the intended method.

    Last edited by Normnet; - 29th July 2011 at 10:45.

  18. #58
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by jellis00 View Post
    ...A user manual would have prevented my question.
    If you are interested in the FineLine IDE beta version manual PM me your email address.
    Your PM box is full.


  19. #59
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    From what I've read about PBP3.0 it doesn't look like FineLineIDE will be compatible.
    Do you know if it is/will be?

  20. #60
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by SteveB View Post
    From what I've read about PBP3.0 it doesn't look like FineLineIDE will be compatible.
    Do you know if it is/will be?
    No it's not but it will be.


  21. #61
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    FineLineIDE v1.5.0.0 now available!

    FL is now compiled with latest Delphi XE compiler and developed in windows 7.
    Aero off option for slower graphic cards.
    Revised undo/redo.
    Radio button in Explorer to easily select data type to display.
    Find and Replace clicks return focus to edit for direct editing.
    Auto close programmer on successive call option. (example PicKit 3)
    FL now compatible with tabs.
    Added FineLine IDE manual in main menu help.
    Not yet PBP3 compatible but that is next.


  22. #62
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Hi, I really like FL. I have few suggestion...
    First I think you should add UPCASE for reserved words.
    Second, it would be nice to make user function...
    For example:
    Function Asd(x var byte, y var byte) as byte
    Then when you want to compile FL just generate something like this on top of code
    goto over_funcions
    asd var byte:x var byte:y var byte


    and then if you use code like
    variable =asd(1,2)
    FL just replace that line with this
    x=1 ' first string in bracket
    y=2 ' second string etc
    Call LabelASD
    variable =asd
    What do you think about it?
    I really do not know why it was not done in pbp3, it's quite simply...
    Last edited by pedja089; - 27th August 2011 at 11:25.

  23. #63
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by pedja089 View Post
    Hi, I really like FL. I have few suggestion...
    First I think you should add UPCASE for reserved words.
    Second, it would be nice to make user function...
    What do you think about it?
    I really do not know why it was not done in pbp3, it's quite simply...
    First compatibility with PBP3.
    Then my goal is code collapse and auto indent or code formatting.
    Functions should be the job of the compiler.
    Even if it could be done adding functions specific to FL would make for code incompatibilities.
    Interesting nevertheless.


  24. #64
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    Darrel already state it somewhere, and PBP .TXT file state there's already a mechanism for the user function/command. Just to need to wait untill they release it. In meantime you can always use asm Macro. But still, it's not a real function.

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
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  25. #65
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Name:  FL_OptionScreen.jpg
Views: 4883
Size:  55.8 KBNorm, I am having a problem using FL v1.0.0.4 with PicKit2 programmer. It works fine with EasyPic6/PicFlash programmer, but I had to reprogram a device in the field using my laptop with PicKit2. I am using PicKit2 v2 and PBP 2.6 with MPASM assembler. I am somewhat confused by the FL Programmer Options as shown in the attached image where it shows an option for "PicKit2 5.0 volt" and an option for "PicKit2 3.3 volt", as if there are two different PicKit2 for each programming voltage. Yet the PicKit2 I have leaves the selection of the programming voltage to a selectable tool in the PicKit2 screen, so I don't know which option to use with my PicKit2 v2. Can you please clarify what these two FL options for PicKit2 are really saying and which one to use with PicKit2 version 2?

    I also notice that the browser default for the" PicKit2 5.0 volt" option points to a file at "Browse to *\pk2cmd.exe". Yet I find no file by that name in my PicKit2 installation. The .exe file normally used in my installation for PicKit2 from Microchip is "PICkit2V2.exe". I tried to use the browser to select this one in the FL option and it didn't work with FL. What are the .exe file names that should be used for either the PicKit2 5.0 volt option or the PicKit2 3.3 volt option in FL??

  26. #66
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by jellis00 View Post
    Norm, I am having a problem using FL v1.0.0.4 with PicKit2 programmer. It works fine with EasyPic6/PicFlash programmer, but I had to reprogram a device in the field using my laptop with PicKit2. I am using PicKit2 v2 and PBP 2.6 with MPASM assembler. I am somewhat confused by the FL Programmer Options as shown in the attached image where it shows an option for "PicKit2 5.0 volt" and an option for "PicKit2 3.3 volt", as if there are two different PicKit2 for each programming voltage. Yet the PicKit2 I have leaves the selection of the programming voltage to a selectable tool in the PicKit2 screen, so I don't know which option to use with my PicKit2 v2. Can you please clarify what these two FL options for PicKit2 are really saying and which one to use with PicKit2 version 2?

    I also notice that the browser default for the" PicKit2 5.0 volt" option points to a file at "Browse to *\pk2cmd.exe". Yet I find no file by that name in my PicKit2 installation. The .exe file normally used in my installation for PicKit2 from Microchip is "PICkit2V2.exe". I tried to use the browser to select this one in the FL option and it didn't work with FL. What are the .exe file names that should be used for either the PicKit2 5.0 volt option or the PicKit2 3.3 volt option in FL??
    Goto PICkit™ 2 Development Programmer/Debugger and down load the command line version PK2CMD v1.2

    The *\ signifies a wildcard before the pk2cmd.exe
    An "-A3.3" without the quotes in the command line signifies 3.3 volts other wise will default to 5.
    Your PICkit2 tabs should look like the following:


  27. #67
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Thanks, Norm. That solved my problem of getting the PicKit2 to work with FL.
    However, I notice a new anomaly I don't know how to interpret. After each use of FL to program via the PicKit2, a message appears in PicKit2 in yellow after the programming is complete saying that I have to dowload a new OS for PicKit2. However, if I close PicKit2 and start over with another programming action it works fine with the OS I have. This never has happened before in my use of my OS version of PicKit2.
    Is there something in the cmd file that checks your version of PicKit2 OS and tells you to update? Do I really need to? The version I am satisfied using and I hesitate to upgrade because evertime I have ever upgraded to anything from Microchip I spend the next week trying to resolve all the incompatibilities.

  28. #68
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by jellis00 View Post
    Thanks, Norm. That solved my problem of getting the PicKit2 to work with FL.
    However, I notice a new anomaly I don't know how to interpret. After each use of FL to program via the PicKit2, a message appears in PicKit2 in yellow after the programming is complete saying that I have to dowload a new OS for PicKit2. However, if I close PicKit2 and start over with another programming action it works fine with the OS I have. This never has happened before in my use of my OS version of PicKit2.
    Is there something in the cmd file that checks your version of PicKit2 OS and tells you to update? Do I really need to? The version I am satisfied using and I hesitate to upgrade because evertime I have ever upgraded to anything from Microchip I spend the next week trying to resolve all the incompatibilities.
    Theirs nothing in FL to do with the above.
    I have always had good luck with the PICkit upgrades although I always am a little concerned.
    I think it even auto reprograms each time I change PIC series but not sure.


  29. #69
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    FineLineIDE v1.6.0.0 with support for PBP3 is now available!

    FL supports PicBasicPro PBP3 compiler all versions.
    PicBasicPro compiler now directly calls MPASM as displayed during compile and assembly.
    FL PBP3 generates a .COF file to be used by MPLAB in simulation or in-circuit debugging modes, and by the Proteus simulator.
    Added a keyboard shortcut template which can be edited in Paint for width to match your keyboard.


  30. #70
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by Normnet View Post
    FineLineIDE v1.6.0.0 with support for PBP3 is now available!
    I just installed my PBP3 upgrade today, and hence also needed to download/insstall FLIDE v1.6.0.0 to have PBP3 compatibility. I copied over the FineLineIDE.ini, CoolbarPositions and Skins from my previous v1.5.0.0. I then checked all the options to make sure they copied over, which it appeared they did. However, I am now having problems.
    1) When I attempt to compile a program that always compiled/assembled OK before, I now get the error as shown in the attached screen snapshot file, FLI1_6_0_0.pdf.
    I checked for the file name that is mentioned with an .ERR extension and it is located in the same folder as where the .pbp file is that I attempted to compile. So I don't understand why it is saying it can't find the file and is giving me this error that prevents compile/assembly.

    Can you please advise me how to solve this problem?
    Regards, John Ellis

  31. #71
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    What does the *.ERR file say when you open it in notepad?
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  32. #72
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by jellis00 View Post
    I checked for the file name that is mentioned with an .ERR extension and it is located in the same folder as where the .pbp file is that I attempted to compile.
    Regards, John Ellis
    Attachment 6380
    Do a check to be sure the path in the "Did not find file" message is exactly the same as the file path in the same folder as where the .pbp file is.
    Paste the path on the forum including the file name.
    Possibly even upper/lower case could produce an error.


  33. #73
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Sorry if I missed this:

    How does FL compare with MCSP in terms of generated code?

    I assume there's more than one way to skin a cat when compiling.


  34. #74
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by Demon View Post
    Sorry if I missed this:

    How does FL compare with MCSP in terms of generated code?

    I assume there's more than one way to skin a cat when compiling.

    FL is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
    It's somewhat like word is compared to notepad only its for programming.
    The same compiler is used with FL as is with Microcode Studio.

    I developed FL because I wanted additional features such as If-Endif code bracketing, color background, and presently undergoing testing is code folding and auto-indent.
    Soon you may never indent another line and keep only the current active areas of code unfolded for a compact display of your code.


  35. #75
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Upon more digging and testing, it appears this problem may have been caused by the fact that my PBP3 install was not "activated" yet. I hopefully will get activation key Monday and will see if this solves the problem. Till then?

  36. #76
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by Normnet View Post
    FL is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
    It's somewhat like word is compared to notepad only its for programming.
    Just one more thing I just keep forgetting all the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Normnet View Post
    I developed FL because I wanted additional features such as If-Endif code bracketing, color background, and presently undergoing testing is code folding and auto-indent.
    I like formatted code too. Looking forward to trying this out, most likely when I upgrade to PBP 3.0.


  37. #77
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by Demon View Post
    I like formatted code too. Looking forward to trying this out, most likely when I upgrade to PBP 3.0.
    Do not wait, you are missing out on a really nice editor.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  38. #78
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by jellis00 View Post
    Upon more digging and testing, it appears this problem may have been caused by the fact that my PBP3 install was not "activated" yet. I hopefully will get activation key Monday and will see if this solves the problem. Till then?
    Did activation solve the problem?
    If so I will "You may require activation of PicBasicPro" to the error message.


  39. #79
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Quote Originally Posted by Normnet View Post
    Did activation solve the problem?
    If so I will "You may require activation of PicBasicPro" to the error message.

    Before I activated I did some other things. Now that it is activated it works, but not sure whether that was the single act that let things work.

  40. #80
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    Default Re: FineLineIDE

    Hello Everyone,

    I am trying out FL IDE and get the same thing as in this FL1_6_0_0.pdf. The Code compiles fine inn the MCSEX IDE.
    Using PBP3

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