Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

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  1. #1
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    Default Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Hello everybody,

    I am a little bit lost with my installations.

    Since 2009 I have developped several projects with the PIC 18F2685 using PBP 3.0 (and now 3.1) and MPLAB 8.

    It is now time to progess and I need to go to the new 18F27K40.
    I have understood that I need MPASMX so I need to move to MPLABX at least to take profit from his asm.

    But I want to keep my MPLAB 8 environment still valid to maintain my old projects.

    Is it possible to have both MPLAB 8 and MPLAB X available on the same machine (not at the same time !) and working with PBP 3.1 ?. What about the connections between MPLAB and PBP in this case ?

    Up to now I have PBP 3.1 and MPLAB 8.92 already installed and working. Then I have installed MPLAB X 4.05 and ticked the PBP tool chainbox in the plugins list. Then I tried to make a new project but even if the PBP compiler is listed I cannot select in the list of compilers when MPLAB ask it.

    I suspect that I did not respect some sequence somewhere and that some links are not established between the various applications. What should be the proper sequence for this installation ?

    Moreover, I am not sure to use the MPLAB X IDE. I have tryied it six months ago for a 24F development in C. It was a real nightmare ! I am hesitating in using MCSPX instead. Where should I introduce it in my sequence of installation ?

    Many thanks for your help.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Can't help with the sequence of events, too long ago for me to remember. However, I do have both MPLAB 8.9 and MPLABX 4.01 (and v3.60) installed at the same time, each with their own icons on the desktop. Good luck with the connection issues.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    I may have a solution with two separate development chains but both installed (to validate).

    For maintening my old 18F2685 projects :
    MPLAB 8 (including MPASM) + PBP 3.0 + PicKit2

    For developing my new 18F27K40 project :
    MPLAB X (including MPASMX) + PBP 3.1 + PicKit 3 + MCSPX (maybe).

    I assume that PBP 3.0 and PBP 3.1 live separatly and are seen as two different programs which allows to establish some independant links between MPASM 8 and PBP 3.0 on one side and MPASM X and PBP 3.1 on the other side. Am I right ?

    I will try to test this on an other machine today.


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    Very curious about your findings.


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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Then I have installed MPLAB X 4.05 and ticked the PBP tool chainbox in the plugins list. Then I tried to make a new project but even if the PBP compiler is listed I cannot select in the list of compilers when MPLAB ask it.
    If you have the plugin installed and it doesn't let you select PBP, then make sure the toolchain settings are correct.
    From the MPLABX main menu select 'Tools | Options | Embedded | Build Tools'

    Make sure PICBASIC PRO is shown in the 'Toolchain' listbox. If it isn't then 'Add...' and browse to the PBP folder. It should recognize it, and then select 'OK'

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Just a short report about the situation.

    MPLAB 8.92 and PBP 3.1 (and PBP 3.0) were already installed on my PC. I have also installed MPLAB X 4.05.

    Finally, keeping PBP 3.0 was not necessary. I can work with MPLAB 8 + PBP 3.1 + MPASMWIN.

    I did not succeed in making this chain work with MPASMX. I got the message "Unable to find mpasmwin" when I launched the compilation. I could not find a way to make MPLAB work with MPASMX.

    Anyway, in my case it is not important. I stay with my old chain for my old projects. My first objective is reached.

    I am now trying to make the MPLAB X configuration work for my new project. I tryied to follow the recommandations from the posts but many things have changed with the versions. For 4.05 one must tick the PBP chain in the Tools > Plugins > Available Plugins, validate the choice and Add the PBP chain in Tools > Options > Embedded. The chain is automatically added when pushing thh Add... button.

    Then I tryied to import a PBP project developped under MPLAB 8 and named PGMTST. The process is described there :

    When selecting the compiler this message appears :
    <html><div style="color: blue">"Unsupported project conversion: original compiler was PICBASIC PRO™. <br> Build options will not be converted.</div></html>

    I found my PBP source file in the folder "Source File". I also have 4 asm files containing some data. They are now in the "Other Files" Folder. OK.

    Going ahead generates error messages saying that the PGMTST project is empty even if all the files are there...

    I am there, trying to find my way !
    Should you have any good ideas, I am very interested.

    I keep you informed


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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Try to remove from "Other" and put file in "Source files". Right click add existing... After you add all files to source, on your ASM(or any file that you include), right click > properties >tick exclude from build > OK.

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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Dr. Bob at HID Maker claims MPLAB 8 looks for PBP files with a .bas extension, while MPLABX looks for .pbp extensions. I have been saving as .pbp since he told me that. Someone else on this forum said PBP3.1 works with either just fine. Just trying things, re-name one of these older files as a .pbp and see if you can see it.

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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Hi everybody,

    Some fresh news before the end of this year.
    A damned maintenance guy has erased all my disk c: so I had to reinstall eveything, including many applications (CAD...) !!!

    Back to my MPLAB installation.
    For MPLAB 8, I had the famous message saying that mpasmwin could not be found. As I remembered an old matter of path I have reinstalled PBP3.1 directly under C:\. In fact this was not was necessary, the key point is to apply the recommendations from here : and to replace the PBPX.EXE by PBPMPLAB.BAT in the step two. Then it works.

    I have an important question, maybe for Charles, at that point. The 18F27K40 looks as being a little bit "special". Does PBP3.1 support it under MPLAB 8 ?. I cannot find it in the list of the Project Wizard. However I find it in the two folders DEVICE and DEVICE_REFERENCE in the PBP3_1 directory. So ... ???

    About MPLAB X now. The installation is quite easy. The reference is Thank you Ionnis ! Simply in the second step of installing the PBP chain one must be carefull to designate PBP_3 and not one of its directories. I have spent hours with this. My fault !

    Making PBP3.1 working with MPLAB X is an other story. I have chosen to rebuild a new project from the source files used with MPLAB 8 and not to use the project migration function. I have four .asm files and one .pbp file. All have to be installed into the source section of the project. I made no modification to them with a right click as suggested by pedja089.

    In my pbp source file those asm files are included by : #include "file.asm".

    I did not want to include any path. So while building the project I choose to install the files in the project folder (tick the corresponding box) and selected the absolute path option. This leads to a project structure close to what we have under MPLAB 8. I have also ticked the long support in the compiler properties because I use this kind of variable.

    A that point I am stucked after launching the build, with the message :' No rule to make target 'build/default/production/_ext/1465533315/file.o' where file.asm is my first asm files. Google shows that this is a very common message but with a wide vaiety of reasons. I have built a small project with only one .asm file. The same message is displayed but a correct .hex file is built in this case. Nothing is produced with the full project and 4 asm files.

    I continue to dig


  10. #10
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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Recently did some computer "house cleaning", downloaded the newest MPLABX4.05, deleted both the v3.60 and v4.01. Afterwards, I also got "Unable to find mpasmwin". There is a PBP tool, on my computer it is at: C:\ProgramFiles(X86)\PBP3_1\MPASM-MPLAB_SETUP\PBP_MPASM_Connector. The wizard guides you to point to the file folder containing mpasmwin. In my case it is at: C:\ProgramFiles(X86)\Microchip\MPLABX\v4.05\mpasmx . After running that, everything started working again.

    As for the K40, you MUST use PBP3.1 and you MUST use the MPLABX tools! Neither MPLAB 8.90 nor PBP3.0 have the necessary files for the K42.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Well, I just installed MPLABX 4.0.5 and all the settings for the Toolchain.

    All well up to the point I started the simulator. And... nothing!

    Seems that can only compile but not simulate.


  12. #12
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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    What tool are you trying to simulate with? MPLABX does not simulate with PBP. Rumor has it that 3.60 has some sort of connection with PBP, but subsequent versions do not.

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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Happy new year to all the forum members and to all the developers!

    I have finally succeeded in building my old projects developed with MPLAB 8 under MPLAB X.

    The key points were:
    - Rebuilt the project from the old sources (asm and pbp). Remove all other files generated under MPLAB 8
    - Do not use upper case names! Even if we are under Windows, with PBP not case-sensitive, MPLAB-X has been developed for C programmers and is case sensitive. So, rename every file name in lower case, including in the #include instructions in the pbp files.
    - In the last step of the New Project process Tick the box “Use project location as the project folder” to obtain a project structure comparable to what we have with MPLAB 8.
    - If necessary tick the box LONG (Project Properties)
    - The PBP file had to be inserted into Project > Source Files but in my case since my asm files contained only data, nothing else had to be done. I imagine that my asm files are automatically inserted into the PBP file during the build process.
    - The project was ready for compiling which was done by the broom and hammer button.
    - My PicKit 2 and my target were already connected. I had only to push the green downside arrow button to get my target programmed.
    The next step will be to migrate to the 18F27K40. It will take some time, including with electronics.

    Coming back to MPLAB 8, I know that I must use mpasmx and PBP3.1 for working with 18F27K40. My question was about the IDE itself since I cannot find this PIC in the Project Wizard list. Is there a way to include it ?


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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    What version of MPLABX are you using? I had v3.60 installed but had to update to 4.0 to work with the 18FxxK40. If you can't find the chip, your MPLABX is probably too old.

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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX


    If you're asking about a way of using the K40 with MPLAB8 the answer is you can't. There's no way of extending the devices supported in the MPLAB8 IDE.

    I doubt you'll be able to use the PICKIT2 and the K40 with any of the MPLAB versions. MPLAB8 doesn't support it, and MPLABX with the PICKIT2 doesn't even allow some devices that are supported with v8.

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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    I am currently working with a 18F2685 (my old design) . My purpose was to validate the PBP 3.1 + MPLABX + mpasmx with this PIC I know quite well before making a jump to the 18F27K40.
    I understand I will have to go to MPLAB X + PikKit 3 with no chance to stay with MPLAB 8, unfortunately.
    My current MPLAB X version is 4.05, the last one available.

    My next step is to understand the particularities of the 18F27K40 as explained in the .txt files delivered with PBP 3.1. It seems to imply PPS...


  17. #17
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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Here in this Melabs Link one can visually see what to do for the setup of PBP in MPLABX.

    I was able to follow up to the 2.19 of the video. Then, simulator did nothing for the PORTB. Hoped that the new 4.0.5 version would work...


  18. #18
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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    That worked up to the point where I clicked on "Recompile & Debug". It wouldn't build (works fine in PBP3.1). There is no color coding for different classes of commands/variables/etc. Didn't work for me either.

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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Nice video but where does it come from ?

    It arrives when the battle is over but according to YouTube it was produced in March 2017.
    This material should have been referenced in MeLabs > Support > Videos. It would have saved hours and hours of hesitating work !


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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    First run with MPLAB X v4.05 + PicKit 2 + 18F2685 on my target (was perfectly working when devlopped under MPLAB 8 )

    I am able to program the target and run it normally, not connected to PicKit 2.
    I can launch the debug mode, halt and restart the program but each time I halt, MPLAB displays the message :

    "No source code lines were found at current PC 0x178. Open program memory view to see instruction code disassembly."

    My interpretation is that there is no way to follow the program execution at the PBP source level. Am I right ?
    Also, I did not find any way to set up breakpoints. Double-click on source line does not work.

    Again digging deeper and deeper !


  21. #21
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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    I've not had any luck getting debugging to work with MPLABX v4. It seems each new version of MPLABX gets worse and worse.
    I'm not sure what's different, but I've lost interest in finding out. They probably changed the .cof debugging format again.

    Your best bet is to stick with MPLAB8 if possible. Doesn't help much with newer chips, but it just seems microchip doesn't care much about getting 3rd party stuff working in the MPLABX ide. They keep changing things with no regard for what they're breaking.

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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    On the other hand, is it so hard to add to Microcode a debugger?


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    You mean like the serial port ICD debugging built into MCS or something to drive the ICSP debuggers (PK2/3/ICD3)?

    As far as I know microchip never formally made the ICSP debug protocol public... that's why you're forced into using MPLAB/X for hardware debugging.

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    I meant simulation of the program. I understand that hardware debugger is more advance and needs resources.

    At least the simulator could be fixed in MPLABX. Or made in Microcode...


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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Simulation may not be enough.
    It my case with some real time audio signal processing functions I need an hardware debugger.

    All my tests were done with a PicKit 2. I have just tryied with a PicKit 3. No change.

    Sorry about that but I do not see any other solution than going to the C world I hate this language

    C'est la vie !


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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Hi everybody,

    I am back from C to PBP.
    I have spent one month with MPLAB X, XC8, etc.., trying to transform my old PBP programs into XC8.
    I got lost with the syntax, MCC, the very complex MPLAB X IDE, the useless warnings, type castings and so on...

    Finally I realized that I could make the same job with a less modern PIC (18F26K22) than the 18F27K40 but with a much more reusable, readable and maintenable code than with C.

    I will have to make an effort to cope with the smaller Flash space (I use huge data tables to be coded differently). The PPS capability was also interesting but I can live without it. My greatest regret is the power management capability which is great and would have allowed some interesing power savings.

    Anyway, I am back with you and PBP and happy to be there !


  27. #27
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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    MikeBZH, Thats interesting. I have also been doing some coding for an 18F27K40 and found that the DEBUG, EEPROM, and DATA statements do not work. I am waiting for a reply or the next version of PBP to come out before continuing. I also wish there was support for the newer versions with things like UMC Loader. So for now I will also stick with the standard 18F26K22.
    Dave Purola,

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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Oups ! The PIC18FK22 HAS a power management capability called PMD (Peripheral Module Disable), so no more regrets for me.

    Oh yes, one regret however. A crazy designer has mixed PGC/PGD and RX2/TX2 on the same pins ! How can one use USART2 and debug with PicKit at the same time ? Fortunately PBP has SERIN/SEROUT bit-bang functions which allows to use any pins and do not need the integrated USART to do the job.


  29. #29
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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    I'm just 5 years late to the party. I came here to post that exact video. I had tried MPLAB way back when with a pre-PBP3 version; never got anywhere and stayed with MCS+.

    This time I started right off the bat using MPLAB X v6.05, and this page at MeLabs was totally useless (the utility didn't do "everything"). Off to google and that video was the first thing I tried. Worked as a charm, until I tried loading BLINKY, and it wasn't where it was supposed to be. Argh...

    Oh well, at least MPLAB X seems happy with the PBP3 compiler now, no more error.
    My Creality Ender 3 S1 Plus is a giant paperweight that can't even be used as a boat anchor, cause I'd be fined for polluting our waterways with electronic devices.

    Not as dumb as yesterday, but stupider than tomorrow!

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    I think MPLABX 5.35 is the latest that can work with PBP 3.1


  31. #31
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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Quote Originally Posted by Ioannis View Post
    I think MPLABX 5.35 is the latest that can work with PBP 3.1

    Yeah, that's confirmed in a multitude of places.

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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    If you can get away with older chips then why not stay on 5.35?


  33. #33
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    It's probably an easier decision than that... PBP 3.1 only supports devices using MPASMX, and MPLABX 5.35 was the last version to include MPASMX.

    Later versions of MPLABX might let you program more devices, but you can't compile them with PBP.

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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    Quote Originally Posted by Ioannis View Post
    If you can get away with older chips then why not stay on 5.35?


    I can't find my U2 USB programmer, and I just bought a PICkit4. I thought I was gonna enjoy some "modern tech".

    PK4 no workie in old MPLAB, no?

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    Default Re: Installing PBP3.1 with MPLAB 8 AND MPLABX

    If Pickit 4 is your only option for programming then do this:

    1. Use MCS to write your program and produce hex
    2. Run MPLAB IPE (not IDE) to connect to Pickit 4
    3. Program your PIC through the IPE

    That's all. And use whatever IPE version you want. Just be sure to use MPLBX 5.35 to use PBP compiler.


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