Heart rate sensor MAX30102 - Page 2

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  1. #41
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    its alive i think
    Name:  hb.jpg
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Size:  192.7 KB
    gives me a 63 rpm
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  2. #42
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102


    looking at your code,i'm learning lots of things.

    All the registers you have are constants. And that is what i've thought also in the beggining.
    ;-----------------------  REGISTER -------------------------
    REG_TEMP_INT         con $1F
    REG_TEMP_FRAC        con $20
    REG_TEMP_CONFIG      con $21
    REG_MODE             con $09
    REG_SPO2_CONFIG      con $0A        ;SPO2_ADC_RGE[6:5]SPO2_SR[4:2]LED_PW[1:0]
    REG_LED1_PA          con $0C
    REG_LED2_PA          con $0D
    FIFO_WR_PTR          con $04        ;FIFO_WR_PTR[4:0]
    FIFO_RD_PTR          con $06
    FIFO_DATA            con $07
    FIFO_CONFIG          con $08        ;FIFO_A_FULL[3:0]   SMP_AVE[7:5]
    STATUS1              con 0          ;A_FULL[7]
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
    But in the manual it says that we never use constants for the I2C command.

    What i have realised is that you refer to the

    reg var byte
    everytime you need to asign a constant value to it. Is that right? with that way we alter the restriction of using constants. (or am i wrong?)

    Sencod question.

    I see you are always using the Write Address:

    ADDR = $ae     ; addr is  0x57 << 1
        reg = REG_PART_REVISION
        i2cread  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[REVISION,PARTID]
        reg = REG_MODE 
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[3] 
        reg = REG_SPO2_CONFIG
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[$20]
        reg = REG_LED2_PA 
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[9]
        reg = REG_LED1_PA 
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[9]
        reg = FIFO_CONFIG  
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[16]
    even if you want to read from:

        reg= REG_TEMP_INT        
        i2cread  sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[fifo[0],fifo[1]]
    im confused here. When do we use the write address and when do we use the read address!!!

  3. #43
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    its alive i think
    Attachment 9142
    gives me a 63 rpm
    wow, ok little by little because i need to undestand what you have done.

    apart from that 63 bpm is quite ok and looks healthy.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    Low pass filter in excel

    Name:  HB.jpg
Views: 3649
Size:  215.3 KB

    makes peak detection look possible

    '****************************************************************'*  Name    : MAX30102  FOR PIC 18 DEMO                         *
    '*  Author  :  Richard                                          *
    '*  Notice  :                                                   *
    '*          :                                                   *
    '*  Date    : 9/1/2022                                          *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : MAX30102                                          *        
    '*          :18f26k22 @64Mhz                                    *
      #CONFIG   ;  The PBP configuration for the PIC18F26K22 is:
        CONFIG FOSC     = INTIO67	       
        CONFIG PLLCFG   = OFF	        ;Oscillator multiplied by 4                       
        CONFIG PRICLKEN  = ON	        ;Primary clock enabled
        CONFIG FCMEN     = OFF	        ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled
        CONFIG IESO      = OFF	        ;Oscillator Switchover mode disabled
        CONFIG  BOREN    = SBORDIS      ; Brown-out Reset enabled in hardware only (SBOREN is disabled)
        CONFIG  WDTEN    = ON           ; WDT is always enabled. SWDTEN bit has no effect                     ;|
        CONFIG  WDTPS    = 32768        ; 1:32768 ---> HERE enable the watchdog timer with a 1:32768 postscale;|
        CONFIG  PWRTEN   = ON
        CONFIG  HFOFST   = ON           ; HFINTOSC output and ready status are not delayed by the oscillator stable status
        CONFIG  MCLRE    = EXTMCLR      ; MCLR pin enabled, RE3 input pin disabled
        CONFIG  LVP      = OFF          ; Single-Supply ICSP disabled
        CONFIG  XINST    = OFF          ; Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
        CONFIG  DEBUG    = OFF          ; Disabled
        CONFIG  CP0 = OFF             ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP1 = OFF             ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP2 = OFF             ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP3 = OFF             ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CPB = OFF             ; Boot block (000000-0007FFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CPD = OFF             ; Data EEPROM not code-protected
        CONFIG  WRT0 = OFF            ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT1 = OFF            ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT2 = OFF            ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT3 = OFF            ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTC = OFF            ; Configuration registers (300000-3000FFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTB = OFF            ; Boot Block (000000-0007FFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTD = OFF            ; Data EEPROM not write-protected
        CONFIG  EBTR0 = OFF           ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR1 = OFF           ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR2 = OFF           ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR3 = OFF           ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTRB = OFF           ; Boot Block (000000-0007FFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
    'define I2C_SLOW 1
    define  OSC 64
    OSCCON    = %01110000   ; 16Mhz
    OSCTUNE.6 = 1           ; Enable 4x PLL
    while ! osccon2.7 :WEND ; to make sure the pll has stabilised before you run any other code
    TRISC = %11011000                  
    #DEFINE    DEBUGING 1   
    #IFNDEF  DEBUGING       
        DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
        DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24h ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 1
        DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ' Clear overflow automatically
        DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 160 ' 38400 Baud @ 64MHz, -0.08%
        SPBRGH = 1
        BAUDCON.3 = 1         ' Enable 16 bit baudrate generator
        DEFINE DEBUG_BAUD 9600
    SDA     var portc.4  ' DATA PIN
    SCL     VAR portc.3  ' CLOCK PIN
    Timeout    cON 2000
    reg        var BYTE
    fifo       var byte[6]
    addr       var byte 
    REVISION   var byte
    PARTID     var byte
    buffer     var byte[1152]
    ptr        var byte
    btr        var byte
    index      var word
    result     var word ext
    @result = _fifo 
    ;-----------------------  REGISTER -------------------------
    REG_TEMP_INT         con $1F
    REG_TEMP_FRAC        con $20
    REG_TEMP_CONFIG      con $21
    REG_MODE             con $09
    REG_SPO2_CONFIG      con $0A        ;SPO2_ADC_RGE[6:5]SPO2_SR[4:2]LED_PW[1:0]
    REG_LED1_PA          con $0C
    REG_LED2_PA          con $0D
    FIFO_WR_PTR          con $04        ;FIFO_WR_PTR[4:0]
    FIFO_RD_PTR          con $06
    FIFO_DATA            con $07
    FIFO_CONFIG          con $08        ;FIFO_A_FULL[3:0]   SMP_AVE[7:5]
    OVF_COUNTER          con $05
    STATUS1              con 0          ;A_FULL[7]
    INTERRUPT_EN         con 2
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|  
        PAUSE 2000
        DEBUG 13,10,  "READY"
        ADDR = $ae     ; addr is  0x57 << 1
        reg = REG_PART_REVISION
        i2cread  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[REVISION,PARTID]
        reg = REG_MODE 
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[3] 
        reg = REG_SPO2_CONFIG
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[$20]
        reg = REG_LED2_PA 
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[10]
        reg = REG_LED1_PA 
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[10]
        reg = FIFO_CONFIG  
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[16]        
        reg = INTERRUPT_EN  
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[$E0]
        HSEROUT [$73,$03,$04,$11,$ff,$ff,"PART ID: 0X",hex PARTID,"/0X", hex REVISION,$00]
        Hserin  timeout,error,[wait(6)]
        DEBUG 13,10,  "PART ID: 0X",hex PARTID,"/0X",hex REVISION
        reg= REG_TEMP_CONFIG
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[1] 
        reg= REG_TEMP_INT        
        i2cread  sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[fifo[0],fifo[1]]
        HSEROUT [$73,$05,$0A,$11,$07,$E0,"TEMP: ",DEC fifo[0],".",DEC2( fifo[1]<<6),$00]  
        Hserin  timeout,error,[wait(6)]
        DEBUG 13,10, "TEMP: ",DEC fifo[0],".",DEC2( fifo[1]<<6) 
        pause 5000
    goto start
        reg= FIFO_WR_PTR
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[0]
        reg= FIFO_RD_PTR
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[0]
        reg = OVF_COUNTER
        i2cwrite sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[0] 
     FOR index = 0 TO 1151 STEP 0
        btr = 0
        reg = STATUS1
        WHILE (btr&192) = 0
        PAUSE 10
        i2cread  sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[btr]
        DEBUG "Y" ,DEC btr
        reg = FIFO_WR_PTR
        i2cread  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[Ptr]
        reg = FIFO_RD_PTR
        i2cread  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[btr]
        btr = (ptr - btr) &  31
        DEBUG "Z"  ,DEC btr
        WHILE btr
        reg = FIFO_DATA         
        i2cread  sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[buffer[index + 2],buffer[index + 1],buffer[index + 0],buffer[index + 5],buffer[index + 4],buffer[index + 3]]
        index = index + 6
        btr = btr - 1
         reg = OVF_COUNTER
        i2cread sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[reg ] 
         DEBUG 13,10,"OF ",DEC reg
        FOR index = 0 TO 1151 STEP 0
        for ptr = 0 to 2
        fifo[ptr] = buffer[index + ptr]
        DEBUG 13,10;,  hex2 fifo[2] , hex2 fifo[1],  hex2 fifo[0]
        banksel _fifo 
        bcf STATUS,C
        RRCF  _fifo + 2 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 1 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo    ,f
        bcf STATUS,C
        RRCF  _fifo + 2 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 1 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo    ,f
        banksel 0
        DEBUG 9,HEX4 result 
        index = index + 3
    '    DEBUG 13,10, hex2 buffer[index+2],hex2 buffer[index+1],hex2 buffer[index],9 ,HEX4 result  
    '    DEBUG 9,  hex2 fifo[2] , hex2 fifo[1],  hex2 fifo[0]
        for ptr = 0 to 2
        fifo[ptr] = buffer[index + ptr]
    '    DEBUG 9,  hex2 fifo[2] , hex2 fifo[1],  hex2 fifo[0]
        banksel _fifo
        bcf STATUS,C
        RRCF  _fifo +2 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo +1 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo    ,f
        bcf STATUS,C
        RRCF  _fifo +2 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo +1 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo    ,f
        banksel 0
        DEBUG 9,HEX4 result
        index = index + 3
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  5. #45
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    But in the manual it says that we never use constants for the I2C command.

    What i have realised is that you refer to the

    reg var byte
    everytime you need to asign a constant value to it. Is that right? with that way we alter the restriction of using constants. (or am i wrong?)

    in pbp constants are 16 bit, they are fine in i2c when a 16 bit value is appropriate and the endianness matches
    if you use a var there is never any doubt, you get what you asked for but the endianness must match

    im confused here. When do we use the write address and when do we use the read address!!!
    there is no such thing as write address or read address in pbp there is only the address
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  6. #46
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    there is no such thing as write address or read address in pbp there is only the address
    there is an adress of 7 bits....then PBP is taking care for the Read or Write bit.

    The following is from the manual of the MAX30102.

    Name:  RW address.png
Views: 3424
Size:  7.7 KB

    But in the program under the registers we are using the AE which is related to write address. Isnt it?

     ADDR = $ae     ; addr is  0x57 << 1

  7. #47
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    But in the program under the registers we are using the AE which is related to write address. Isnt it?
    you are trying to create a problem that does not exist there is no such thing as write address or read address in pbp there is only the address
    a pbp i2c address is the 7bit manufacturer's address left shifted 1 bit, the only variation is for crappy ancient eeproms where the "page"
    address forms part of the address[control] , but bit0 is still under pbp control regardless

    you don't quibble the hserout command adding start and stop bits to your serial transmission or even calculating the parity and inserting it also

    Name:  ser.jpg
Views: 3384
Size:  67.8 KB

    why should the i2c "high level" commands not be able to set the r/w bit as required, after all that's why you use pbp. it stops you needing to dig into the bowels of i2c transactions

    the manual

    Name:  i2c.jpg
Views: 3348
Size:  252.6 KB

    lets not hear any more of this nonsense
    Last edited by richard; - 12th January 2022 at 23:57.
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  8. #48
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    Thanks Richard,

    just wanted to understand it. Now it is clear.

  9. #49
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    now have low pass filtering on pic
    Name:  HB2.jpg
Views: 3334
Size:  139.6 KB
    73 rpm tonight
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  10. #50
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    That's really impressed Richard.

    Im still working step by step on the code, im still at an early stage.

    Just need to understand the methodology.

  11. #51
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    Name:  HB3.jpg
Views: 3446
Size:  77.9 KB

    try as i might i cannot detect the relevant peaks reliably

    '****************************************************************'*  Name    : MAX30102  FOR PIC 18 DEMO                         *
    '*  Author  :  Richard                                          *
    '*  Notice  :                                                   *
    '*          :                                                   *
    '*  Date    : 9/1/2022                                          *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : MAX30102                                          *        
    '*          :18f26k22 @64Mhz                                    *
      #CONFIG   ;  The PBP configuration for the PIC18F26K22 is:
        CONFIG FOSC     = INTIO67	       
        CONFIG PLLCFG   = OFF	        ;Oscillator multiplied by 4                       
        CONFIG PRICLKEN  = ON	        ;Primary clock enabled
        CONFIG FCMEN     = OFF	        ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled
        CONFIG IESO      = OFF	        ;Oscillator Switchover mode disabled
        CONFIG  BOREN    = SBORDIS      ; Brown-out Reset enabled in hardware only (SBOREN is disabled)
        CONFIG  WDTEN    = ON           ; WDT is always enabled. SWDTEN bit has no effect                     ;|
        CONFIG  WDTPS    = 32768        ; 1:32768 ---> HERE enable the watchdog timer with a 1:32768 postscale;|
        CONFIG  PWRTEN   = ON
        CONFIG  HFOFST   = ON           ; HFINTOSC output and ready status are not delayed by the oscillator stable status
        CONFIG  MCLRE    = EXTMCLR      ; MCLR pin enabled, RE3 input pin disabled
        CONFIG  LVP      = OFF          ; Single-Supply ICSP disabled
        CONFIG  XINST    = OFF          ; Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
        CONFIG  DEBUG    = OFF          ; Disabled
        CONFIG  CP0 = OFF             ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP1 = OFF             ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP2 = OFF             ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP3 = OFF             ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CPB = OFF             ; Boot block (000000-0007FFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CPD = OFF             ; Data EEPROM not code-protected
        CONFIG  WRT0 = OFF            ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT1 = OFF            ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT2 = OFF            ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT3 = OFF            ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTC = OFF            ; Configuration registers (300000-3000FFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTB = OFF            ; Boot Block (000000-0007FFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTD = OFF            ; Data EEPROM not write-protected
        CONFIG  EBTR0 = OFF           ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR1 = OFF           ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR2 = OFF           ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR3 = OFF           ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTRB = OFF           ; Boot Block (000000-0007FFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
     goto overasm  
    PutMulResult?D macro Din
        MOVE?BB   Din, R2
        MOVE?BB   Din + 1, R2 + 1
        MOVE?BB   Din + 2, R0
        MOVE?BB   Din + 3, R0 + 1
    define  OSC 64
    OSCCON    = %01110000   ; 16Mhz
    OSCTUNE.6 = 1           ; Enable 4x PLL
    while ! osccon2.7 :WEND ; to make sure the pll has stabilised before you run any other code
    TRISC = %11011000                  
    SDA     var portc.4  
    SCL     VAR portc.3  
    reg        var BYTE
    fifo       var byte[6] bank0
    addr       var byte 
    REVISION   var byte
    PARTID     var byte
    buffer     var word[384] 
    ptr        var byte
    btr        var byte
    index      var word
    average    var byte[4] bank0
    ave        var word
    peaks      var byte[5]
    lastpeak   var word 
    lpfdata    var word[192]
    result     var word ext
    result1    var word ext
    @result  =  _fifo 
    @result1 =  _fifo + 3
    ;-----------------------  REGISTER -------------------------
    REG_TEMP_INT         con $1F
    REG_TEMP_FRAC        con $20
    REG_TEMP_CONFIG      con $21
    REG_MODE             con $09
    REG_SPO2_CONFIG      con $0A        ;SPO2_ADC_RGE[6:5]SPO2_SR[4:2]LED_PW[1:0]
    REG_LED1_PA          con $0C
    REG_LED2_PA          con $0D
    FIFO_WR_PTR          con $04        ;FIFO_WR_PTR[4:0]
    FIFO_RD_PTR          con $06
    FIFO_DATA            con $07
    FIFO_CONFIG          con $08        ;FIFO_A_FULL[3:0]   SMP_AVE[7:5]
    OVF_COUNTER          con $05
    STATUS1              con 0          ;A_FULL[7]
    INTERRUPT_EN         con 2
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|  
        PAUSE 2000
        DEBUG 13,10,  "READY"
        ADDR = $ae     ; addr is  0x57 << 1
        reg = REG_PART_REVISION
        i2cread  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[REVISION,PARTID]
        reg = REG_MODE 
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[3] 
        reg = REG_SPO2_CONFIG
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[$20]
        reg = REG_LED2_PA 
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[10]
        reg = REG_LED1_PA 
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[10]
        reg = FIFO_CONFIG  
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[16]        
        reg = INTERRUPT_EN  
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[$E0]
        DEBUG 13,10,  "PART ID: 0X",hex PARTID,"/0X",hex REVISION
        reg= REG_TEMP_CONFIG
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[1] 
        reg= REG_TEMP_INT        
        i2cread  sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[fifo[0],fifo[1]]
        DEBUG 13,10, "TEMP: ",DEC fifo[0],".",DEC2( fifo[1]<<6)
        pause 2000
    goto start
        reg= FIFO_WR_PTR
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[0]
        reg= FIFO_RD_PTR
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[0]
        reg = OVF_COUNTER
        i2cwrite sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[0]
        banksel 0 
        clrf _average
        clrf _average+1
        clrf _average+2
        clrf _average+3
     FOR index = 0 TO 255 STEP 0
        btr = 0
        reg = STATUS1
        WHILE (btr & 192) = 0
            i2cread  sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[btr]
        reg = FIFO_WR_PTR
        i2cread  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[Ptr]
        reg = FIFO_RD_PTR
        i2cread  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[btr]
        btr = (ptr - btr) &  31
        WHILE btr
            reg = FIFO_DATA           ;---------ir----------;===========red===========
            i2cread  sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[FIFO[5],FIFO[4],FIFO[3],FIFO[2],FIFO[1],FIFO[0]]
        banksel 0
        bcf STATUS,C
        RRCF  _fifo + 2 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 1 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo     ,f
        bcf STATUS,C
        RRCF  _fifo + 2 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 1 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo     ,f
        bcf STATUS,C
        RRCF  _fifo + 5 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 4 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 3 ,f
        bcf STATUS,C
        RRCF  _fifo + 5 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 4 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 3 ,f
        movf  _fifo  ,w         ;RED AVERAGE
        addwf  _average,f
        movf  _fifo + 1 ,w
        bnc s1   
        incf   _average + 1,f
        addwf  _average + 1,f
        movf  _fifo + 2 ,w
        bnc    s2
        incf   _average + 2,f
        bnc     s3
        incf   _average + 3 ,f
            buffer[index] = result  ;red
            index = index + 1
            buffer[index] = result1 ;ir
            index = index + 1
            btr = btr - 1
        DEBUG 13,10,hex2 average[3],hex2 average[2],hex2 average[1],hex2 average  
        @ PutMulResult?D _average   ;RED AVERAGE
        ave  = DIV32 128            ;RED AVERAGE
        reg = OVF_COUNTER
        i2cread sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[reg ] 
        DEBUG 13,10,"OverFlows ",DEC reg,9,dec ave,9,hex ave
        FOR index = 0 TO 255 STEP 0
            ave = (ave ** 62259) + (buffer[index] ** 3276 )
            DEBUG 13,10,dec ave,9,dec buffer[index],9,dec buffer[index+1]
            index = index + 2
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  12. #52
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    In Post #44 your low-pass filter seemed to work perfectly, then in Post #49, it seemed a bit overdone. Then in Post #51 it looks like the low-pass filter is acting like a 500F capacitor! I didn't look at the code, but maybe you could back off on the filter settings for a clearer reading.

  13. #53
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    but maybe you could back off on the filter settings for a clearer reading.
    i have tried many variations , the added aggressiveness of the filter is an attempt to remove the unwanted "little" peaks
    what looks like a nice picture of on a graph does not mean peak detection is easier.
    some of the lp filtering is just added in with excel also, even tried using trend lines in attempt at detecting pos and neg zero crossings
    that's still not 100% effective. dsp is not my forte, dc drift in the readings can be neg or pos going or both or zero.
    fft was a failure because i cannot remove the dc component effectively. i need a better method i have no effective strategy
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  14. #54
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    Here is a Filter algorithm that has served me well with several projects. For the moment I'm going to assume your code serves 2 main functions: read the heart rate MAX30102 and report the results. This means the processor execution time can be maximized for these 2 functions.

    Reporting process is what it is. That's whatever protocol (UART, SPI, I2C, or LCDOUT etc) you have chosen to make use of the processed data.

    As for reading and filtering the MAX30102 data, the first stage is to take multiple ADC reads (or appropriately retrieve the latest data report) each Subroutine CALL and average them. The result gets fed into a circular buffer, where the average is the last X readings, and what you shoot out in your report. It looks something like this:

    Somewhere a CALL (GOSUB) is made to check the input from the MAX30102 sensor. Within the Subroutine, you do this 4X and average the results. The average result is fed into a [4] BYTE/WORD circular buffer. An Accumulator adds all buffer entries and divides the result by the number of entries (calculates an average). The value reported is the average of the circular buffer -- buffered value. With me so far? Let's take it for a test drive, shall we?
    b0 VAR BYTE ;Used for FOR/LOOP
    HrVal VAR BYTE ;if using 8-bit ADC, ...VAR WORD for 10-bit, or whatever protocol demands
    HrValBuf VAR BYTE[4] ;again, WORD for 10-bit, this is your 4 immediate ADC (MAX30102 input) reads Buffer
    HrValCir VAR BYTE[4] ;again, WORD for 10-bit, this is your 4 entry Circular Buffer
    HrBufAcc VAR WORD ;Total of all 4 HrValBuf readings
    HrCirAcc Var WORD ;Total of all 4 HrCirBuf readings
    HeartRate VAR BYTE ;again, WORD for 10-bit, End Filtered Result to be Reported or Processed
    ...  ;from Somewhere in Code:
    GOSUB Get_HeartRate
    GOSUB Send_HeartRate ;Do something with the HeartRate Value Acquired & Filtered
    ...  ;then Continue Code...
     HrValCir[3] = HrValCir[2]  ;Rotate the Circular Buffer
     HrValCir[2] = HrValCir[1]
     HrValCir[1] = HrValCir[0]
     FOR b0 = 0 TO 3
      ADCIN MAX30102,HrVal ;or I2CREAD or SPIREAD -- Retrieve a Current Value
      HrValBuf[b0] = HrVal
     NEXT b0
     HrBufAcc = HrValBuf[3] + HrValBuf[2] + HrValBuf[1] + HrValBuf[0] ;Add All 4 Readings...
     HrValCir[0] = HrBufAcc >> 2 ;Same as HrValCir[0] = HrBufAcc / 4 -- Places the Latest Averaged Value into the Circular Buffer
     HrCirAcc = HrValCir[3] + HrValCir[2] + HrValCir[1] + HrValCir[0] ;Totals the Circular Buffer
     HeartRate = HrCirAcc >> 2 ;Same as HeartRate = HrCirAcc / 4, Averages the Circular Buffer
    To change the impact of the filter, you can increase or decrease the size of the HrValBuf[4] buffer and/or the HrValCir[4] buffer. If too jumpy, add more entries for either/both buffer(s). Conversely, to economize, try reducing buffer sizes and see if you still like the results. Changes would have to be reflected in Get_Heartrate:. No, of course this isn't the absolute most efficient code to accomplish the goal, and it is too abbreviated to actually work, but I hope it illustrates an effective filter that has served me well over many projects.
    Last edited by mpgmike; - 15th January 2022 at 01:52.

  15. #55
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    the filter is not really the issue, its the variability of the data that is problematical, every 128 sample is subtly different.
    light leakage, finger pressure and position and even finger compression time lead to wildly variable readings. my max30102 housing is probable not ideal either
    i use for this filter
    fv = fv*x + nv*(y)

    where x+y = 1, fv = average nv = new value

    in pbp terms x y
    ave = (ave ** 60000) + (buffer[index] ** 5535 ) ;60000 + 5535 = 65535
    ave = (ave */ 250) + (buffer[index] */ 5 ) ;250+ 5 = 255

    depending on finesse required, the introduced phase shift has no bearing on the result either.
    it may not be as fast as your method but has better control and in this case speed is of no importance
    Last edited by richard; - 15th January 2022 at 04:49.
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  16. #56
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    well my sensor was not 5v tolerant its now a random number generator , in the bin
    i give up
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  17. #57
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    Richard which sensor did you have? Could you please let us know? for avoiding it in the future.

    Based on cardiovascular medical graph, the post #44 and post #49 looks fine.

    I think #49 it is a bit better which doesnt mean the in #44 the graph is not acceptable.

  18. #58
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    my module was clearly marked as 3.3v its the one with slots in the board to tie it on your finger
    the code has little if any effect on the graphical result. the result depends on your finger and its placement
    ambient light etc, my holder is a little tight it constricts circulation a bit and i need to change fingers every 10 minutes to get good data
    i found a spare [must have bought 2] i will be more careful with this one.

    i still cannot get a algo to find the right peaks. on a graph it looks so obvious even in the crappy reads beats are distinctive, by the absolute shits computers are stupid. breaking the search into 32 sample blocks gets me the block highest highs and lowest lows but there is no guarantee the high in a block is actually a peak or whether continues to ramp up into the next block
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  19. #59
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    I guess you have this one

    Name:  max30102 image.png
Views: 3353
Size:  393.0 KB


    I also have 2 of those, but in the schematic the input voltage is 3.3V to 5V.

    Name:  max30102 image 2.png
Views: 3408
Size:  535.1 KB

    or you are talking about the logic level? So i also need to take care about it and supply the PIC with 3.3V.

  20. #60
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    interesting mine has no jumper fitted, its not dead just gives random results , temp works ok still
    led still comes on
    i will solder the jumper and try again
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  21. #61
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    It is very important to:

    1. have the finger cleaned with alcohol before testing and also clean the sensor with alcohol too.
    2. Not pressing hard the finger on the sensor, the shell of the sensor should be lightly tight on the finger.
    3. No ambient light should come in the sensor area. Most if not all commercial devices are black for a purpose.

    Hope this helps.


  22. #62
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    i cleaned the screen with metho it had a spec of gunge in the wrong spot now restored. mine will not run for long at 5v 3-4 minutes then the readings are crap, jumper made nil difference. i notice the led got substantially brighter when it goes strange. 5v is a no go for this unit
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  23. #63
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    this kind of defines the problem

    Name:  HB4.jpg
Views: 3319
Size:  155.9 KB

    peaks are easy to see, my 32 sample search yields these peaks its not easy

    raw data

    lpf     red   ir
    4235	4275	4435
    4236	4250	4443
    4238	4259	4440
    4241	4264	4450
    4243	4265	4482
    4244	4254	4471
    4244	4247	4446
    4243	4244	4425
    4243	4250	4424
    4242	4243	4394
    4242	4248	4397
    4241	4244	4372
    4239	4232	4376
    4235	4223	4377
    4231	4214	4375
    4227	4214	4364
    4224	4212	4385
    4220	4205	4382
    4218	4210	4403
    4218	4225	4401
    4217	4216	4398
    4217	4229	4398
    4217	4224	4400
    4218	4238	4410
    4220	4244	4412
    4223	4250	4401
    4225	4248	4398
    4226	4245	4402
    4228	4247	4398
    4230	4248	4386
    4233	4256	4402
    4232	4238	4390
    4233	4250	4400
    4236	4262	4405
    4238	4256	4400
    4237	4237	4405
    4236	4235	4400
    4236	4245	4420
    4234	4227	4431
    4235	4251	4442
    4234	4234	4437
    4235	4252	4432
    4236	4248	4420
    4239	4265	4455
    4241	4263	4440
    4243	4267	4436
    4246	4276	4439
    4245	4249	4424
    4246	4255	4433
    4249	4278	4442
    4250	4262	4442
    4252	4271	4427
    4252	4254	4429
    4250	4242	4408
    4246	4228	4399
    4241	4221	4399
    4234	4195	4378
    4229	4205	4378
    4224	4200	4395
    4220	4204	4381
    4216	4200	4363
    4212	4195	4377
    4209	4198	4372
    4208	4208	4365
    4207	4215	4366
    4209	4227	4375
    4212	4240	4371
    4213	4227	4371
    4214	4229	4358
    4215	4229	4353
    4215	4220	4360
    4215	4218	4356
    4215	4222	4357
    4217	4233	4365
    4217	4228	4360
    4218	4232	4366
    4217	4222	4364
    4217	4230	4366
    4217	4224	4373
    4216	4220	4391
    4217	4233	4381
    4215	4211	4391
    4215	4221	4401
    4215	4222	4404
    4215	4222	4411
    4215	4220	4425
    4215	4221	4418
    4216	4226	4413
    4217	4233	4427
    4218	4238	4421
    4219	4237	4416
    4221	4245	4428
    4222	4237	4421
    4226	4261	4422
    4229	4255	4436
    4233	4263	4432
    4236	4269	4437
    4240	4272	4423
    4241	4258	4431
    4241	4252	4403
    4240	4246	4381
    4236	4223	4368
    4231	4207	4343
    4227	4213	4334
    4223	4206	4341
    4220	4211	4338
    4218	4213	4334
    4214	4194	4325
    4213	4209	4336
    4211	4201	4326
    4210	4210	4328
    4209	4211	4327
    4207	4205	4321
    4205	4195	4332
    4203	4199	4324
    4203	4213	4349
    4201	4194	4352
    4200	4202	4341
    4198	4200	4338
    4198	4203	4333
    4197	4197	4348
    4195	4188	4356
    4194	4194	4377
    4194	4204	4371
    4194	4202	4383
    4193	4195	4408
    4193	4206	4383
    4194	4209	4387
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  24. #64
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    results from PICKIT UART TOOL at 9600.

    RED	IR
    8875	9120
    8859	9127
    8867	9128
    8868	9127
    8871	9116
    8875	9121
    8880	9115
    8873	9115
    8870	9115
    8876	9123
    8881	9127
    8880	9114
    8875	9118
    8877	9129
    8873	9114
    8879	9127
    8895	9119
    8879	9129
    8870	9128
    8880	9130
    8897	9139
    8888	9116
    8880	9123
    8886	9146
    8889	9124
    8890	9119
    8897	9113
    8891	9122
    8872	9134
    8896	9124
    8885	9121
    8875	9121
    8882	9130
    8885	9129
    8892	9125
    8894	9132
    8884	9117
    8888	9127
    8881	9116
    8878	9124
    8876	9112
    8864	9117
    8873	9120
    8867	9113
    8879	9123
    8873	9125
    8865	9119
    8872	9131
    8873	9118
    8878	9124
    8877	9123
    8878	9119
    8878	9116
    8891	9108
    8878	9110
    8869	9140
    8877	9119
    8870	9119
    8865	9116
    8878	9120
    8882	9126
    8884	9138
    8877	9130
    8879	9116
    8883	9127
    8883	9128
    8887	9140
    8890	9126
    8876	9107
    8884	9116
    8875	9121
    8888	9138
    8893	9117
    8885	9116
    8895	9114
    8876	9128
    8891	9128
    8893	9130
    8889	9123
    8881	9114
    8886	9119
    8876	9116
    8883	9126
    8876	9118
    8875	9126
    8866	9115
    8882	9115
    8866	9113
    8882	9118
    8880	9118
    8885	9108
    8877	9123
    8880	9125
    8869	9122
    8888	9123
    8871	9119
    8881	9118
    8876	9117
    8890	9136
    8879	9115
    8891	9124
    8886	9115
    8891	9107
    8884	9110
    8886	9128
    8899	9117
    8886	9138
    8883	9133
    8902	9130
    8890	9132
    8877	9124
    8889	9131
    8895	9127
    8884	9132
    8887	9127
    8885	9120
    8893	9139
    8895	9135
    8875	9131
    8889	9109
    8891	9110
    8881	9121
    8875	9123
    8889	9126
    8867	9124
    8873	9111
    8875	9115
    8875	9109
    8865	9102
    8874	9119
    8890	9124
    8886	9121
    8879	9115
    8877	9114
    8876	9118
    8878	9106
    8867	9114
    8874	9110
    8881	9121
    8877	9120
    8885	9113
    8873	9107
    8889	9127
    8876	9127
    8889	9115
    8874	9110
    8888	9119
    8877	9131
    8884	9108
    8888	9114
    8882	9116
    8881	9110
    8891	9113
    8871	9114
    8879	9107
    8882	9115
    8877	9115
    8886	9114
    8880	9118
    8874	9100
    8864	9112
    8864	9112
    8872	9102
    8867	9114
    8855	9092
    8865	9117
    8873	9104
    8861	9115
    8855	9113
    8868	9099
    8849	9098
    8875	9109
    8868	9111
    8861	9108
    8872	9100
    8873	9113
    8871	9123
    8863	9100
    8866	9110
    8874	9106
    8870	9102
    8884	9100
    8873	9117
    8865	9109
    8860	9111
    8861	9117
    8872	9102
    8868	9107
    8885	9111
    8869	9098
    8866	9116
    8876	9106
    Name:  Results from Heart rate sensor.png
Views: 3286
Size:  116.7 KB

    The following is the circuit board, which is changed and added a 3.3V step up/ step down Voltage regulator. Just ot be on a safe side.

    Name:  circuit board Heart rate sensor.png
Views: 3766
Size:  996.6 KB

    Name:  circuit board Heart rate sensor2.png
Views: 3741
Size:  721.2 KB

    The following is a second measurement which based on a samsung's mobile measurement it suppose to be close at 78 bpm.

    RED	IR
    8492	8577
    8489	8590
    8493	8576
    8494	8592
    8500	8601
    8499	8596
    8509	8588
    8504	8580
    8504	8586
    8514	8588
    8507	8585
    8504	8583
    8513	8580
    8514	8580
    8517	8594
    8514	8588
    8512	8584
    8499	8575
    8507	8590
    8514	8580
    8499	8573
    8505	8607
    8504	8575
    8489	8574
    8498	8586
    8496	8579
    8510	8582
    8498	8580
    8499	8578
    8537	8574
    8505	8576
    8497	8563
    8503	8585
    8500	8568
    8488	8581
    8505	8582
    8506	8589
    8521	8576
    8497	8588
    8509	8583
    8507	8583
    8499	8583
    8497	8575
    8502	8580
    8486	8569
    8505	8579
    8507	8571
    8499	8576
    8505	8572
    8502	8580
    8498	8570
    8499	8569
    8496	8571
    8485	8572
    8496	8564
    8511	8580
    8499	8570
    8498	8562
    8497	8578
    8499	8581
    8493	8656
    8497	8579
    8503	8573
    8507	8584
    8492	8570
    8499	8565
    8495	8572
    8501	8573
    8511	8576
    8502	8568
    8506	8562
    8499	8557
    8498	8572
    8492	8563
    8505	8555
    8503	8567
    8494	8565
    8493	8570
    8502	8573
    8489	8564
    8493	8558
    8507	8565
    8505	8574
    8499	8571
    8497	8576
    8493	8574
    8489	8566
    8498	8568
    8496	8569
    8495	8578
    8517	8570
    8515	8564
    8506	8556
    8509	8571
    8506	8572
    8497	8565
    8508	8570
    8499	8571
    8506	8566
    8443	8575
    8498	8571
    8501	8568
    8500	8562
    8512	8569
    8497	8565
    8510	8573
    8499	8563
    8508	8555
    8526	8566
    8513	8566
    8513	8582
    8505	8562
    8511	8585
    8492	8564
    8511	8582
    8514	8563
    8502	8570
    8506	8570
    8518	8563
    8513	8570
    8508	8575
    8505	8586
    8510	8560
    8519	8572
    8516	8580
    8511	8584
    8506	8562
    8496	8565
    8519	8570
    8502	8575
    8631	8578
    8510	8570
    8529	8571
    8516	8562
    8515	8566
    8510	8568
    8514	8579
    8513	8581
    8518	8573
    8524	8578
    8504	8569
    8508	8559
    8515	8569
    8515	8575
    8512	8580
    8514	8555
    8525	8583
    8519	8577
    8517	8572
    8507	8571
    8516	8572
    8521	8571
    8525	8581
    8505	8563
    8522	8565
    8518	8569
    8516	8559
    8515	8578
    8521	8567
    8502	8571
    8522	8577
    8528	8586
    8529	8581
    8518	8579
    8507	8562
    8520	8571
    8512	8560
    8518	8572
    8531	8550
    8507	8576
    8503	8568
    8515	8578
    8509	8573
    8518	8570
    8517	8566
    8508	8567
    8509	8570
    8520	8572
    8518	8585
    8513	8565
    8521	8566
    8525	8569
    8515	8578
    8515	8573
    8517	8567
    8515	8578
    8510	8565
    8515	8572
    8531	8564
    8516	8563
    8519	8560
    8514	8571
    Last edited by astanapane; - 15th January 2022 at 12:44.

  25. #65
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    For everyone info,

    found this interesting article.


  26. #66
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    wrong info above, as i captured ascii and not hex values.
    I'll try to fix that on the following message.

  27. #67
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    if you are using excel then its easier to import dec rather than hex, i changed to dec
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  28. #68
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    if you are using excel then its easier to import dec rather than hex, i changed to dec
    just tried. Let me see the values on the excel.

    0	8028	1F5C
    8053	8551	8259
    8076	8533	8249
    8100	8563	8254
    8120	8541	8251
    8140	8553	8244
    8159	8548	8249
    8178	8543	8247
    8195	8535	8249
    8211	8534	8260
    8226	8540	8230
    8240	8536	8251
    8254	8562	8236
    8268	8554	8259
    8280	8528	8251
    8292	8556	8247
    8303	8534	8257
    8314	8551	8254
    8324	8541	8255
    8334	8545	8243
    8344	8550	8247
    8353	8552	8248
    8362	8557	8283
    8370	8546	8242
    8378	8549	8267
    8385	8539	8259
    8392	8548	8244
    8399	8543	8256
    8406	8549	8250
    8412	8561	8261
    8417	8536	8275
    8422	8533	8268
    8427	8544	8259
    8432	8557	8239
    8436	8539	8257
    8441	8545	8235
    8445	8545	8259
    8449	8545	8245
    8453	8549	8245
    8456	8537	8263
    8459	8540	8228
    8463	8550	8249
    8465	8540	8234
    8468	8558	8242
    8469	8521	8249
    8472	8551	8249
    8474	8532	8262
    8477	8547	8243
    8480	8554	8268
    8481	8540	8241
    8483	8554	8256
    8485	8552	8264
    8487	8554	8230
    8489	8548	8249
    8490	8532	8239
    8491	8540	8257
    8492	8525	8265
    8494	8549	8243
    8495	8526	8265
    8496	8527	8249
    8498	8556	8249
    8499	8524	8275
    8500	8539	8255
    8500	8541	8257
    8500	8535	8239
    8501	8547	8251
    8501	8530	8266
    8502	8546	8248
    8502	8532	8262
    8503	8557	8253
    8504	8551	8254
    8503	8522	8257
    8504	8554	8233
    8503	8519	8256
    8503	8534	8234
    8503	8530	8246
    8503	8528	8236
    8504	8550	8259
    8504	8534	8258
    8504	8542	8229
    8504	8538	8247
    8505	8548	8243
    8507	8563	8256
    8508	8543	8267
    8508	8538	8241
    8508	8532	8258
    8509	8543	8263
    8510	8547	8259
    8510	8527	8254
    8510	8536	8247
    8510	8534	8261
    8510	8537	8238
    8510	8536	8253
    8511	8543	8250
    8512	8546	8260
    8511	8518	8266
    8512	8548	8240
    8512	8533	8261
    8513	8545	8242
    8515	8575	8270
    8515	8541	8275
    8515	8536	8236
    8515	8534	8252
    8515	8541	8251
    8516	8559	8264
    8516	8524	8250
    8516	8529	8251
    8516	8526	8254
    8517	8543	8235
    8517	8532	8254
    8517	8532	8236
    8518	8545	8243
    8517	8518	8258
    8517	8535	8240
    8517	8534	8241
    8517	8539	8245
    8517	8541	8261
    8517	8532	8250
    8517	8531	8243
    8517	8530	8260
    8517	8534	8249
    8517	8528	8246
    8517	8527	8249
    8518	8557	8255
    8518	8531	8250
    8518	8537	8233
    8518	8541	8250
    8518	8534	8252
    8518	8539	8250

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    Just transfered those values from the PICKIT serial terminal to excel. No conversion.

    Name:  Getting HR and SpO2 Measurements2.png
Views: 3134
Size:  156.0 KB
    Last edited by astanapane; - 16th January 2022 at 01:10.

  30. #70
    Join Date
    May 2013

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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    tidied up a bit and swaped to using ir data [still in mode 3 for now]

    '****************************************************************'*  Name    : MAX30102  FOR PIC 18 DEMO                         *
    '*  Author  :  Richard                                          *
    '*  Notice  :                                                   *
    '*          :                                                   *
    '*  Date    : 9/1/2022                                          *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : MAX30102                                          *        
    '*          :18f26k22 @64Mhz                                    *
      #CONFIG   ;  The PBP configuration for the PIC18F26K22 is:
        CONFIG FOSC     = INTIO67	       
        CONFIG PLLCFG   = OFF	        ;Oscillator multiplied by 4                       
        CONFIG PRICLKEN  = ON	        ;Primary clock enabled
        CONFIG FCMEN     = OFF	        ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled
        CONFIG IESO      = OFF	        ;Oscillator Switchover mode disabled
        CONFIG  BOREN    = SBORDIS      ; Brown-out Reset enabled in hardware only (SBOREN is disabled)
        CONFIG  WDTEN    = ON           ; WDT is always enabled. SWDTEN bit has no effect                     ;|
        CONFIG  WDTPS    = 32768        ; 1:32768 ---> HERE enable the watchdog timer with a 1:32768 postscale;|
        CONFIG  PWRTEN   = ON
        CONFIG  HFOFST   = ON           ; HFINTOSC output and ready status are not delayed by the oscillator stable status
        CONFIG  MCLRE    = EXTMCLR      ; MCLR pin enabled, RE3 input pin disabled
        CONFIG  LVP      = OFF          ; Single-Supply ICSP disabled
        CONFIG  XINST    = OFF          ; Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
        CONFIG  DEBUG    = OFF          ; Disabled
        CONFIG  CP0 = OFF             ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP1 = OFF             ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP2 = OFF             ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP3 = OFF             ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CPB = OFF             ; Boot block (000000-0007FFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CPD = OFF             ; Data EEPROM not code-protected
        CONFIG  WRT0 = OFF            ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT1 = OFF            ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT2 = OFF            ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT3 = OFF            ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTC = OFF            ; Configuration registers (300000-3000FFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTB = OFF            ; Boot Block (000000-0007FFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTD = OFF            ; Data EEPROM not write-protected
        CONFIG  EBTR0 = OFF           ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR1 = OFF           ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR2 = OFF           ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR3 = OFF           ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTRB = OFF           ; Boot Block (000000-0007FFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
     goto overasm  
    PutMulResult?D macro Din
        MOVE?BB   Din, R2
        MOVE?BB   Din + 1, R2 + 1
        MOVE?BB   Din + 2, R0
        MOVE?BB   Din + 3, R0 + 1
    define  OSC 64
    OSCCON    = %01110000   ; 16Mhz
    OSCTUNE.6 = 1           ; Enable 4x PLL
    while ! osccon2.7 :WEND ; to make sure the pll has stabilised before you run any other code
    TRISC = %11011000                  
    SDA     var portc.4  
    SCL     VAR portc.3  
    reg        var BYTE
    fifo       var byte[6] bank0
    addr       var byte 
    REVISION   var byte
    PARTID     var byte
    buffer     var word[384] 
    ptr        var byte
    btr        var byte
    index      var word
    average    var byte[4] bank0
    ave        var word
    peaks      var byte[8]
    lastpeak   var word 
    lastlow    var word 
    lpfdata    var word[192]
    result     var word ext
    result1    var word ext
    pulse      var word
    @result  =  _fifo 
    @result1 =  _fifo + 3
    ;-----------------------  REGISTER -------------------------
    REG_TEMP_INT         con $1F
    REG_TEMP_FRAC        con $20
    REG_TEMP_CONFIG      con $21
    REG_MODE             con $09
    REG_SPO2_CONFIG      con $0A        ;SPO2_ADC_RGE[6:5]SPO2_SR[4:2]LED_PW[1:0]
    REG_LED1_PA          con $0C
    REG_LED2_PA          con $0D
    FIFO_WR_PTR          con $04        ;FIFO_WR_PTR[4:0]
    FIFO_RD_PTR          con $06
    FIFO_DATA            con $07
    FIFO_CONFIG          con $08        ;FIFO_A_FULL[3:0]   SMP_AVE[7:5]
    OVF_COUNTER          con $05
    STATUS1              con 0          ;A_FULL[7]
    INTERRUPT_EN         con 2
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|  
        PAUSE 2000
        DEBUG 13,10,  "READY"
        ADDR = $ae     ; addr is  0x57 << 1
        reg = REG_PART_REVISION
        i2cread  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[REVISION,PARTID]
        reg = REG_MODE 
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[3] 
        reg = REG_SPO2_CONFIG
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[$20]
        reg = REG_LED2_PA 
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[10]
        reg = REG_LED1_PA 
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[10]
        reg = FIFO_CONFIG  
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[16]        
        reg = INTERRUPT_EN  
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[$E0]
        DEBUG 13,10,  "PART ID: 0X",hex PARTID,"/0X",hex REVISION
        reg= REG_TEMP_CONFIG
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[1] 
        reg= REG_TEMP_INT        
        i2cread  sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[fifo[0],fifo[1]]
        DEBUG 13,10, "TEMP: ",DEC fifo[0],".",DEC2( fifo[1]<<6)
        pause 2000
    goto start
        reg= FIFO_WR_PTR
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[0]
        reg= FIFO_RD_PTR
        i2cwrite  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[0]
        reg = OVF_COUNTER
        i2cwrite sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[0]
        banksel 0 
        clrf _average
        clrf _average+1
        clrf _average+2
        clrf _average+3
    while index <256
        btr = 0
        reg = STATUS1
        WHILE (btr & 192) = 0
            i2cread  sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[btr]
        reg = FIFO_WR_PTR
        i2cread  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[Ptr]
        reg = FIFO_RD_PTR
        i2cread  SDA,scl,ADDR,reg,[btr]
        btr = (ptr - btr) &  31
        WHILE (btr &&  (index < 256))
            reg = FIFO_DATA           ;---------ir----------;===========red===========
            i2cread  sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[FIFO[2],FIFO[1],FIFO[0],FIFO[5],FIFO[4],FIFO[3]]
        banksel 0
        bcf STATUS,C
        RRCF  _fifo + 2 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 1 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo     ,f
        bcf STATUS,C
        RRCF  _fifo + 2 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 1 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo     ,f
        bcf STATUS,C
        RRCF  _fifo + 5 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 4 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 3 ,f
        bcf STATUS,C
        RRCF  _fifo + 5 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 4 ,f
        RRCF  _fifo + 3 ,f
        movf  _fifo  ,w         ;RED AVERAGE
        addwf  _average,f
        movf  _fifo + 1 ,w
        btfsc   STATUS,C
        incfsz _fifo + 1 ,w
        addwf  _average + 1,f
        btfsc   STATUS,C
        incf   _average + 2,f
            buffer[index] = result  ;ir
            index = index + 1
            buffer[index] = result1 ;red
            index = index + 1
            btr = btr - 1
       DEBUG 13,10,hex2 average[3],hex2 average[2],hex2 average[1],hex2 average 
       @ PutMulResult?D _average   ;RED AVERAGE
        ave  = DIV32 128            ;RED AVERAGE
        reg = OVF_COUNTER
        i2cread sda,scl,ADDR,reg,[reg ] 
        DEBUG 13,10,"OverFlows ",DEC reg,9,dec ave,9,hex ave
        FOR index = 0 TO 255 step 2
            ave = (ave ** 57000) + (buffer[index] ** 8535 )
          DEBUG 13,10,dec ave,9,dec buffer[index],9,dec buffer[index+1]
    ' RETURN 
        lastpeak =  lpfdata[0]
        lastlow  =  lpfdata[0]
        banksel _peaks  
        clrf _peaks
        clrf _peaks+1
        clrf _peaks+2
        clrf _peaks+3
        clrf _peaks+4
        clrf _peaks+5
        clrf _peaks+6
        clrf _peaks+7
        banksel 0 
        DEBUG 13,10,"lpf"
        lastpeak =  lpfdata[0]
        lastlow  =  lpfdata[0]
        for index = 0 TO 31    ;p1
       if    (lpfdata[index] > lastpeak) then
             lastpeak = lpfdata[index]
             peaks[4] = index :peaks[5]=index :peaks[6]=index :peaks[7]=index
       if    (lpfdata[index] < lastlow) then
             lastlow = lpfdata[index]
             peaks[0] = index :peaks[1]=index :peaks[2]=index :peaks[3]=index
        lastpeak =  lpfdata[32]
        lastlow  =  lpfdata[32]    
         for index = 32 TO 63     ;p2
       if    (lpfdata[index] >lastpeak) then
             lastpeak = lpfdata[index]
             peaks[5] = index :peaks[6]=index :peaks[7]=index
       if    (lpfdata[index] <lastlow) then
             lastlow = lpfdata[index]
             peaks[1] = index :peaks[2]=index :peaks[3]=index
        lastpeak =  lpfdata[64]
        lastlow  =  lpfdata[64]      
          for index = 64 TO 95        ;p3
       if    (lpfdata[index] >lastpeak) then
             lastpeak = lpfdata[index]
             peaks[6]= index  :peaks[7]=index
       if    (lpfdata[index] < lastlow) then
             lastlow= lpfdata[index]
             peaks[2]= index :peaks[3]=index
        lastpeak =  lpfdata[96]
        lastlow  =  lpfdata[96]      
          for index = 96 TO 127        ;p4
       if    (lpfdata[index] >lastpeak) then
             lastpeak = lpfdata[index]
             peaks[7] = index
       if    (lpfdata[index] <lastlow) then
             lastlow = lpfdata[index]
             peaks[3] = index
        DEBUG 13,10,dec peaks[4],9,dec peaks[0];,9, dec lpfdata[peaks[0]]-lpfdata[peaks[1]] 
        DEBUG 13,10,dec peaks[5],9,dec peaks[1]
        DEBUG 13,10,dec peaks[6],9,dec peaks[2]
        DEBUG 13,10,dec peaks[7],9,dec peaks[3]
    '   pulse = 3000/abs( btr-ptr)
    '    DEBUG 13,10,dec ptr , 9,dec btr  , 9,dec pulse 
    Last edited by richard; - 16th January 2022 at 01:43.
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    Richard thanks for your effort.

    These are the new results base on the last change on IR values.

    8744	8760	9019
    8745	8759	8995
    8743	8740	9001
    8744	8754	9012
    8746	8764	8991
    8745	8751	9002
    8745	8755	8986
    8743	8744	9003
    8742	8739	9008
    8743	8756	9000
    8743	8752	9008
    8745	8763	9023
    8746	8762	8973
    8743	8738	9011
    8742	8745	8982
    8739	8728	8985
    8736	8726	9005
    8735	8738	8990
    8733	8727	8996
    8733	8741	9001
    8732	8736	8986
    8730	8726	8996
    8731	8750	8999
    8730	8731	8983
    8728	8725	9024
    8730	8751	9002
    8727	8720	9014
    8729	8748	9014
    8731	8751	8986
    8731	8742	8998
    8732	8749	8989
    8732	8741	9001
    8734	8761	9010
    8736	8757	9001
    8733	8722	9026
    8732	8736	9022
    8734	8756	8978
    8734	8741	8988
    8735	8752	8991
    8735	8743	9010
    8738	8762	9018
    8737	8745	8992
    8738	8746	8991
    8741	8771	8995
    8739	8734	8996
    8740	8756	9010
    8740	8753	9009
    8741	8754	9002
    8742	8759	8991
    8740	8733	9001
    8741	8755	9001
    8739	8735	8978
    8737	8733	8997
    8738	8746	8981
    8734	8720	8992
    8733	8732	9004
    8732	8735	8981
    8730	8725	9004
    8731	8750	8979
    8730	8735	8983
    8730	8743	8986
    8730	8742	8982
    8729	8732	8989
    8731	8748	9004
    8732	8752	8981
    8728	8715	8981
    8730	8748	9002
    8729	8732	8999
    8732	8758	9003
    8732	8742	8990
    8733	8747	9005
    8734	8752	8991
    8734	8742	8993
    8736	8756	9007
    8737	8753	8988
    8737	8739	9004
    8738	8750	8992
    8737	8745	8993
    8739	8759	9003
    8740	8754	8975
    8739	8743	8987
    8740	8754	8996
    8739	8743	8998
    8741	8763	8999
    8741	8749	8978
    8740	8743	8996
    8741	8756	8987
    8740	8740	8993
    8740	8747	9005
    8739	8742	8977
    8735	8720	8977
    8734	8737	8984
    8733	8732	8985
    8733	8739	8986
    8733	8743	8982
    8730	8722	8990
    8728	8729	8986
    8726	8717	8999
    8726	8731	8988
    8726	8735	8983
    8725	8729	8987
    8727	8751	8989
    8727	8732	8976
    8727	8733	8997
    8729	8751	8988
    8730	8740	9005
    8731	8749	8983
    8732	8750	8984
    8734	8755	8997
    8737	8766	8971
    8736	8733	8986
    8738	8760	8969
    8737	8740	8990
    8740	8762	9001
    8741	8755	8973
    8739	8735	8997
    8740	8761	8971
    8740	8747	8985
    8741	8758	8974
    8740	8744	8990
    8742	8763	9014
    8744	8763	8977
    8741	8727	8978
    8739	8732	8981
    8737	8734	8980
    8736	8736	8988
    8736	8742	8964
    8733	8717	8974
    Name:  Based on IRLED.png
Views: 3089
Size:  113.5 KB

  32. #72
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102


    i think i post #41 and #44, the graph was a bit better in terms of highs and lows. Dont know if the last configuration and modification in LPF made it easier to identify those highs and lows.

  33. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    Have you checked to see if you actually have a pulse for this thing to read? Maybe you're dead and don't even know it?? Try it on someone else as a verification? Just joking...

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    Quote Originally Posted by mpgmike View Post
    Have you checked to see if you actually have a pulse for this thing to read? Maybe you're dead and don't even know it?? Try it on someone else as a verification? Just joking...
    hehehehe, sure i will do that. Just to check what will be the values on a different person, as i know my average Heart pulses are always around 82-90 Bpm.

    I will find someone with much lower and more normal heart pulses like 62-75 bpm.

    The following is my measurement right now.

    31	11
    63	11
    68	83
    68	109
    TEMP: 22.68
    OverFlows 0	7932	1EFC
    7928	7915	7838
    7927	7925	7843
    7926	7929	7818
    7924	7921	7833
    7924	7938	7815
    7924	7933	7810
    7919	7899	7812
    7917	7916	7824
    7919	7940	7811
    7917	7916	7819
    7918	7936	7825
    7918	7928	7810
    7918	7930	7820
    7918	7930	7813
    7918	7931	7813
    7918	7926	7823
    7919	7933	7812
    7920	7935	7824
    7921	7932	7821
    7922	7935	7820
    7921	7923	7823
    7920	7922	7828
    7921	7932	7825
    7923	7943	7815
    7922	7921	7819
    7923	7939	7810
    7924	7936	7823
    7923	7925	7828
    7926	7950	7827
    7924	7923	7825
    7924	7936	7821
    7925	7942	7836
    7923	7924	7812
    7922	7921	7824
    7924	7943	7818
    7923	7929	7813
    7924	7935	7825
    7924	7933	7830
    7922	7917	7824
    7924	7943	7831
    7925	7946	7811
    7924	7928	7822
    7924	7938	7839
    7926	7952	7803
    7925	7928	7827
    7926	7941	7839
    7927	7947	7819
    7924	7916	7816
    7927	7957	7842
    7930	7958	7826
    7930	7933	7820
    7930	7932	7822
    7931	7947	7821
    7929	7925	7825
    7930	7943	7827
    7930	7935	7814
    7928	7918	7840
    7928	7936	7818
    7927	7929	7827
    7925	7919	7829
    7925	7937	7819
    7926	7946	7822
    7926	7936	7812
    7925	7929	7828
    7925	7938	7827
    7925	7933	7816
    7925	7936	7834
    7925	7938	7822
    7928	7957	7821
    7927	7928	7820
    7928	7940	7809
    7929	7942	7814
    7927	7918	7830
    7927	7938	7802
    7926	7925	7814
    7926	7932	7825
    7926	7932	7813
    7924	7923	7809
    7924	7936	7830
    7925	7940	7831
    7926	7942	7824
    7925	7926	7826
    7923	7924	7811
    7923	7928	7826
    7926	7950	7834
    7925	7930	7808
    7924	7930	7826
    7924	7932	7842
    7926	7948	7807
    7926	7934	7817
    7927	7941	7831
    7927	7937	7815
    7925	7917	7833
    7926	7945	7813
    7926	7932	7796
    7924	7922	7818
    7924	7939	7806
    7922	7921	7812
    7924	7940	7811
    7924	7936	7808
    7922	7918	7821
    7921	7924	7823
    7923	7943	7804
    7923	7925	7809
    7924	7934	7817
    7924	7939	7815
    7923	7931	7806
    7921	7915	7816
    7921	7925	7809
    7920	7923	7822
    7920	7925	7822
    7922	7947	7808
    7922	7925	7817
    7922	7929	7817
    7922	7928	7820
    7922	7926	7823
    7923	7933	7832
    7927	7959	7804
    7925	7919	7812
    7926	7942	7822
    7924	7918	7809
    7924	7935	7818
    7924	7936	7813
    7922	7923	7813
    7923	7937	7818
    7925	7941	7801
    7922	7914	7818
    7922	7929	7836
    0	7
    52	33
    71	82
    117	109
    TEMP: 24.96
    (measured as well with the Samsung Galaxy Sensor 80 Bpm)
    Last edited by astanapane; - 17th January 2022 at 22:40.

  35. #75
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    looks like simplistic lowpass filtering of the data to obtain pulse will never give a
    reliable and repeatable result, it can deliver a nice picture but that is as far as it goes.
    i will need to learn a bit more about dsp techniques. first step, remove dc component i think.
    don't hold your breath, got more paid work this week
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  36. #76
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    Richard this is already lots of work, and i dont know how to thank you for all this.

    I believe that this will be useful for many people in the forum in the end. (even if noone else is involved).

  37. #77
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    I think Richard is eluding to a process called Fast Fourier Transform, FFT for short. The filter is a mathematical equation applied to each result. In many cases, the previous result is part of the equation. FFT is used to filter noise out of cell phone signals, among other things. The magic is getting the FFT formula right for your application. I've looked into it briefly, just enough to get an idea of what it's about, but not enough to actually use it effectively. I do know there are "standard" FFTs that are go-to works-every-time-its-tried that would probably work for you.

    The one that is like Example #1 in the textbooks is simply:
    if Result > Previous
     Plot += 1
    elseif Result < Previous
     Plot -= 1
    Previous = Result
    This simply plots trends of increasing or decreasing values, without specific concern for the actual value.

  38. #78
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    I think Richard is eluding to a process called Fast Fourier Transform
    been there done that.

    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    post#53 i have tried many variations , the added aggressiveness of the filter is an attempt to remove the unwanted "little" peaks
    what looks like a nice picture of on a graph does not mean peak detection is easier.
    some of the lp filtering is just added in with excel also, even tried using trend lines in attempt at detecting pos and neg zero crossings
    that's still not 100% effective. dsp is not my forte, dc drift in the readings can be neg or pos going or both or zero.
    fft was a failure because i cannot remove the dc component effectively. i need a better method i have no effective strategy
    The one that is like Example #1 in the textbooks is simply:
    there is plenty of raw data posted, you can always ask for more. feel free to have a go
    Last edited by richard; - 19th January 2022 at 22:22.
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by richard
    there is plenty of raw data posted, you can always ask for more. feel free to have a go
    Quote Originally Posted by mpgmike
    I've looked into it briefly, just enough to get an idea of what it's about, but not enough to actually use it effectively.
    Thanks for the generous offer

  40. #80
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    Default Re: Heart rate sensor MAX30102

    I did an other test on a different person. Those info are from a woman.

    Richard have done a very good job up to now. I think the LPF should not be so aggressive.

    Name:  woman result.png
Views: 3011
Size:  21.7 KB

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    7281	7325	7229
    7279	7278	7144
    7277	7259	7086
    7275	7244	7065

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