Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    I had a Noritake VFD module lying around, and decided to make a clock out of it.
    Since it is HD47780 compatible, there were no issues for main display code, as you can see from the attached picture.
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    And since this is 2x20 lines display, it is logical that for clock setup menu I'd like to use text, rather than icons or numbers.

    This is the text strings I'd like to use in the setup menu.

    Set Year
    Set Month
    Set Date
    Set day of week
    Set Hour
    Set Minute
    Set alarm mode
    On all week
    On without weekends
    Set alarm hours
    Set alarm minutes
    Set display format
    Imperial (12Hr/F)
    Metric (24Hr/C)
    Display brightness
    Total, 21 lines of text.
    In a "classic", old school basic, I would do it via arrays, say like this:
    DIM A$(21) ' declare string array
    A$(1)="Set Year"
    A$(2)="Set Month"
    and so on, and when needed to display that text in the code below
    I would just write
    LCDOUT $FE, $C0, A$(2) or whatever number needed

    With PBP I can't, so I have to introduce 21 separate LCDOUT statements.
    So is there a way to avoid this?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    Here's one way, a bit wasteful on FLASH with the fixed length but compared to individual HSEROUT (or LCDOUT) statements I'd imagine it's quite a bit smaller.
    Strings CON EXT
    i VAR BYTE
    Char VAR BYTE
    StringNumber VAR BYTE
    StartAddress VAR WORD
    Goto OverStrings
        ; Strings, fixed length, 20 characters including null terminator.
        ; Actual string terminatesends with a NULL and is then padded to exactly 20 chars.
        db "Set Year", 0, "           "    ; 0
        db "Set Month", 0, "          "    ; 1
        db "Set Date", 0, "           "    ; 2
        db "Set day of week", 0, "    "    ; 3
        db "Set Hour", 0, "           "    ; 4
        db "Set Minute", 0, "         "    ; 5 
        db "Set alarm mode", 0, "     "    ; 6
        db "Off", 0, "                "    ; 7
        db "On all week", 0, "        "    ; 8
        db "On without weekends", 0, ""    ; 9
        db "Set alarm hours", 0, "    "    ; 10
        db "Set alarm minutes", 0, "  "    ; 11
        db "Set display format", 0, " "    ; 12
        db "Imperial (12Hr/F)", 0, "  "    ; 13
        db "Metric (24Hr/C)", 0, "    "    ; 14
        db "Display brightness", 0, " "    ; 15
        db "Auto", 0, "               "    ; 16
        db "25%", 0, "                "    ; 17
        db "50%", 0, "                "    ; 18
        db "75%", 0, "                "    ; 19
        db "100%", 0, "               "    ; 20
        ANSELF = 0
        WPUF.1 = 0
        TRISF.3 = 0
        TRISF.0 = 0
        TRISF.1 = 1
        HSEROUT["Program start",13]
        HSEROUT["Address of first string: $", HEX4 Strings, 13]
        StringNumber = 20                               ' Select which string to print
        GOSUB PrintString                               ' And, you guessed it, go print it.
        PAUSE 100
        StartAddress = Strings + (StringNumber * 20)    ' Precalculate address of first char of string in question
        For i = 0 to 19                                 ' Maximum string length is 20 characters
            ReadCode (StartAddress + i), Char           ' Get a char from string in question.
            IF (Char = 0) THEN EXIT                     ' Break out if char is NULL
            HSEROUT[Char]                               ' Otherwise print it.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    I had a almost similar approach -
    The text is stored in EEPROM part of the IC, in series.
    There is a 40 byte area at beginning in EEPROM, which
    has offset and length entries for these text messages
    so all I have to do, to say display "Set Time" is call a routine like

    READ 1,A 'read offset
    READ 2,B 'read length
    FOR C=A to A+B 'define a loop from this to that
    READ C,D 'read eeprom at needed value
    LCDOUT $FE,D,$14 'Display char and move cursor to next char
    But for some reasons it does not works, seems like that LCDOUT on initialization, resets the offset set by $14 (move cursor right)

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    LCDOUT $FE,D,$14 'Display char and move cursor to next char
    That line of code does NOT do what the comment says.

    You're telling it to interpret whatever you read from EEPROM (into the D variable) as a command, then you're sending a constant $14 which it will interpret as data and print whatever character that code corresponds to (see datasheet).

    To do what the comment says it would look like this:
    LCDOUT D, $FE, $14
    With that said, the adress counter in the HD44780 will automatically increment each time you write to DDRAM (ie send it a byte not preceded by $FE) so by doing the above you will end up with a blank space between the characters.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    Oh thanks, will give it a try!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    on a 16f like this

                 __config        _CONFIG1,    _FOSC_INTOSC & _CP_OFF & _WDTE_OFF &  _PWRTE_ON  &  _MCLRE_ON  & _CLKOUTEN_OFF
                  __config      _CONFIG2, _PLLEN_ON & _LVP_OFF
    DEFINE OSC 32    
        TRISA = %001110
        trisc = %11100010     ' set PORTC I/O
        Strings CON EXT
        i VAR BYTE
        Char VAR BYTE
        ctemp  VAR WORD
        StringNumber VAR BYTE
        StartAddress VAR WORD
        rand      VAR WORD
        DEFINE DEBUG_BIT 0      ;  if not used for pwr  
        DEFINE DEBUG_BAUD 9600
        DEFINE DEBUG_MODE 0     
        pause 2000
        Debug "Start",13 ,10  
    Goto OverStrings
        ; Strings, fixed length, 20 characters including null terminator.
        ; Actual string terminatesends with a NULL and is then padded to exactly 20 chars.
        da "Set Year", 0, "           "    ; 0
        da "Set Month", 0, "          "    ; 1
        da "Set Date", 0, "           "    ; 2
        da "Set day of week", 0, "    "    ; 3
        da "Set Hour", 0, "           "    ; 4
        da "Set Minute", 0, "         "    ; 5 
        da "Set alarm mode", 0, "     "    ; 6
        da "Off", 0, "                "    ; 7
        da "On all week", 0, "        "    ; 8
        da "On without weekends", 0, ""    ; 9
        da "Set alarm hours", 0, "    "    ; 10
        da "Set alarm minutes", 0, "  "    ; 11
        da "Set display format", 0, " "    ; 12
        da "Imperial (12Hr/F)", 0, "  "    ; 13
        da "Metric (24Hr/C)", 0, "    "    ; 14
        da "Display brightness", 0, " "    ; 15
        da "Auto", 0, "               "    ; 16
        da "25%", 0, "                "    ; 17
        da "50%", 0, "                "    ; 18
        da "75%", 0, "                "    ; 19
        da "100%", 0, "               "    ; 20
        Debug "Program start",13,10 
        Debug "Address of first string: $", HEX4 Strings, 13 ,10
         RANDOM  rand 
        StringNumber = rand//20                               ' Select which string to print
        GOSUB PrintString                               ' And, you guessed it, go print it.
         PAUSE 1000
        goto  Action
        StartAddress = Strings + (StringNumber * 11)    ' Precalculate address of first char of string in question
        For i = 0 to 19                                 ' Maximum string length is 20 characters
            ReadCode (StartAddress + i), CTEMP           ' Get a char from string in question.
          Char = (CTEMP>>7) 
            IF (Char = 0) THEN EXIT                     ' Break out if char is NULL
            Debug Char                                   ' Otherwise print it
         Char = CTEMP&$7f        
           IF (Char = 0) THEN EXIT                     ' Break out if char is NULL
            Debug Char                                ' Otherwise print it
    or if all that padding is troubling , using random length null terminated strings
                 __config        _CONFIG1,    _FOSC_INTOSC & _CP_OFF & _WDTE_OFF &  _PWRTE_ON  &  _MCLRE_ON  & _CLKOUTEN_OFF
                  __config      _CONFIG2, _PLLEN_ON & _LVP_OFF
        TRISA = %001110
        trisc = %11100010     ' set PORTC I/O
        Strings CON EXT
        i VAR BYTE
        Char VAR BYTE
        ctemp  VAR WORD
        rand   VAR WORD
        StringNumber VAR BYTE
        StartAddress VAR WORD
        isa   VAR WORD
        DEFINE DEBUG_BIT 0      ;  if not used for pwr  
        DEFINE DEBUG_BAUD 9600
        DEFINE DEBUG_MODE 0     
        pause 2000
        Debug "Start",13 ,10  
    Goto OverStrings
        ;  string terminates with a NULL 
        da "Set Year", 0     ; 0
        da "Set Month", 0     ; 1
        da "Set Date", 0    ; 2
        da "Set day of week", 0    ; 3
        da "Set Hour", 0     ; 4
        da "Set Minute", 0     ; 5 
        da "Set alarm mode", 0     ; 6
        da "Off", 0    ; 7
        da "On all week", 0     ; 8
        da "On without weekends", 0   ; 9
        da "Set alarm hours", 0    ; 10
        da "Set alarm minutes", 0     ; 11
        da "Set display format", 0    ; 12
        da "Imperial (12Hr/F)", 0    ; 13
        da "Metric (24Hr/C)", 0    ; 14
        da "Display brightness", 0    ; 15
        da "Auto", 0    ; 16
        da "25%", 0     ; 17
        da "50%", 0    ; 18
        da "75%", 0     ; 19
        da "100%", 0     ; 20
        dw 3            ;eof
        Debug "Program start",13,10 
        Debug "Address of first string: $", HEX4 Strings, 13 ,10
        RANDOM  rand 
        StringNumber = rand//20                             ' Select which string to print
        GOSUB findIndex  
        GOSUB PrintString                               ' And, you guessed it, go print it.
        PAUSE 1000
        goto  Action
        isa    = Strings
        while StringNumber
            ReadCode isa, CTEMP
            if  CTEMP ==3 then 
            if (CTEMP.highbyte==0) then  
                if    StringNumber == 0 then  return
        if  isa then
            Debug 13,10
            For i = 0 to 19                                 ' Maximum string length is 20 characters
                ReadCode (isa + i), CTEMP           ' Get a char from string in question.
                Char = (CTEMP>>7) 
                IF (Char = 0) THEN EXIT                     ' Break out if char is NULL
                Debug Char                                   ' Otherwise print it
                Char = CTEMP&$7f        
                IF (Char = 0) THEN EXIT                     ' Break out if char is NULL
                Debug Char                                ' Otherwise print it
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    Last edited by Ioannis; - 13th September 2021 at 21:59.
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    Thanks for stepping in Richard, I should've mentioned my example was for 18F series of course. Yeah, the padding... It's a tradeoff, either waste memory or waste some time :-)

    In your code I see
    if (CTEMP.highbyte==0) || (CTEMP.highbyte ==0) then
    I suppose one of those should be CTEMP.lowbyte, right?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    I suppose one of those should be CTEMP.lowbyte, right?
    ̶y̶e̶s̶ ̶,̶ ̶c̶o̶p̶y̶ ̶p̶a̶s̶t̶e̶ ̶t̶r̶a̶p̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶o̶b̶s̶e̶r̶v̶a̶n̶t̶

    its a pity the the forum edit restraints are so limiting

    needs to be this , adding lowbyte breaks it
    if (CTEMP.highbyte==0) then
    Last edited by richard; - 13th September 2021 at 06:10.
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    adding lowbyte breaks it
    i remember it now , if you really want to be sparing with flash space odd length strings must not have the ,0 termination
    the assembler adds the 0 for odd lengths automatically. the code then needs to check lowbyte for 0-ness

    if you add the ,0 you wind up with 3 nulls in a row to account for hence only a check of highbyte works
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  10. #10
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    And what if I add some special character to my data array, so when reading it, I do not no longer need to store length of each string? This should allow me to skip all that ASM things.
    And meanwhile, I have a little problem with usability.

    I have this routine for handling two buttons connected via ADC.

    adcin 0,cnt
    if CNT<900 then'if any button pressed, increase debounce variable
    pause 1
    if CNT<100 and DLY>100 then 'if left is still pressed
    dly=0 'reset debounce counter
    if CNT<900 and CNT>100 and DLY>100 then 'if right is still pressed
    dly=0 'reset debounce counter
    It analyzes, whenever any button is pressed, and launches debouncer loop, to avoid accidental presses. That works fine. This code is repeated several times in sequence, according to menu items, with different task1/task2 -s inside.
    But the problem is, that if user keeps pressing the "left" button, he scrolls thru the all menu items, and I want to avoid this, so when he presses the left button and keeps it pressed, He does not advance to next item, until he releases the button and presses it again. I know, this feature is a part of BUTTON statement, but due to shortage of pins, I'm using ADC input, and BUTTON statement does not works there.

    any ideas?

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    And what if I add some special character to my data array, so when reading it, I do not no longer need to store length of each string? This should allow me to skip all that ASM things
    how do imagine that would that work ?

    And meanwhile, I have a little problem with usability.
    nothing that a state machine approach can't resolve

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  12. #12
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    Well say I add $FF to end of each string.
    So I need only to know start address of each sentence
    and start reading from there in loop, until inputchar=FF

    And for the input, I can't relate capacitive input or encoder handling with my task.
    These both are yes/no condition, and mine is analog reading...

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    Well say I add $FF to end of each string.
    So I need only to know start address of each sentence
    and start reading from there in loop, until inputchar=FF
    precisely what was offered except using the more useful and commonly accepted null in lieu of the FF

    And for the input, I can't relate capacitive input or encoder handling with my task.
    These both are yes/no condition, and mine is analog reading.
    its the overall concept of key/sw reading to observe, its a universal concept
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  14. #14
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    Well, my code has no ASM

    P.S. A big brother just arrived
    But can't make it work with PBP

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  15. #15
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    Well, my code has no ASM
    or code either it seems
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    It was once stated by someone with a certifiable IQ that boggles the mind, "There is nothing new in the universe". On a more micro scale, many issues we face as we try to get tiny little black plastic blocks to do what we want them to, using resources available, we have to realize that many of our challenges have been faced and conquered in the past. I try to make it a habit to search forums for clues, or out-right answers before posting questions. Not to discourage anyone from creating a new post, but when effective answers don't seem to be forthcoming, maybe as a second resort, do a search. Don't forget, this is not the only PBP forum (ME Labs, the creator of PBP, has their own forum -- though not as popular -- at http://support.melabs.com).

    I faced some programming challenges in the past using newer PIC chips with Peripherals not dealt with by standard PBP commands. My solution was to familiarize myself with the Microchip Data Sheets, and manipulate the registers manually; which PBP competently allows me to do. I have successfully done what you're struggling with, but not with magic PBP commands. I don't know how to answer or contribute to this thread, because how I accomplished things cannot easily be transferred in a simple post. Try doing Forum searches, varying key search words and phrases. It will probably surprise you just how many different ways folks in the past have fought your struggles, and the solutions they found. Both sites are good at keeping older legacy posts available. Good luck!

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    Ok thanks
    I'm trying to read, but the main issue is, that there are very FEW code examples on forums focused exactly on topic being asked.
    Say someone asks "how to debounce ADC input" and someone posts a huge code for completed device, where that code is present, but it is hidden somewhere and you have to guess where is it, which other variables and changes it uses, from that code and so on.

    Contrary to them, the code examples supplied by melabs are short and spot on - they do what they have to do, only few extra lines are present.

    By the way, I got big module running with parallel interface with PBP. The issue was that it needs about 330mA to operate, and PicKit 3 was not able to provide enough juice. With the help of external 5V supply, issues solved

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    but the main issue is, that there are very FEW code examples on forums focused exactly on topic being asked.
    Say someone asks "how to debounce ADC input" and someone posts a huge code for completed device, where that code is present, but it is hidden somewhere and you have to guess where is it, which other variables and changes it uses, from that code and so on.
    you have to laugh . it describes this thread to a tee , well thought out practical solutions offered, that were some how unacceptable
    for reasons not given " Well, my code has no ASM " perhaps. op supposedly has better solution not posted

    as you sow so shall you reap

    ps thanks ioannis for the edit on post 6
    Last edited by richard; - 17th September 2021 at 11:42.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    Haha, yeah, wow :-)
    You post a snippet and you get complaints about it not working because someone can't be bothered to clear TRIS and ANSEL by them them selves. So, next time you post a fully working, tailor made solution that solves exactly what was asked (which then turns out to not be what op actually MEANT) only to get complains that the code is too verbose :-)

    I've spent countless hours writing snippets and full verified-to-be-working programs, both in response to questions asked on this forum and posted as examples. I enjoy doing it, I hope it helps users. I don't get paid to do it, on the contrary I've SPENT my own money buing devices, development boards, breakout boards and what not to help solve peoples issues because I've found (and still find) it interesting and fun.

    Rarely have I asked myself why bother...

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Handling a lot of text data, any simple and practical ways?

    I'm not complaining, I'm trying to explain.
    The things that are dead simple for you, might be dead hard for me, and vice versa.
    Not everyone has skills and talents for all these digital things.
    You're good in coding - I'm good in something different, and someone else is good in something else.
    That is the way humans are made.
    So that's not a good idea to blame someone for not understanding things that you do understand.

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