nice to see the site back up.

I am almost finish my little project now. I have diffculty sending mutliple item on serout and receiving them on another chip using serin. I think its the way i type the command, the program does compile , but do not work.;
here is the two codes of line:
Sending Pic:
serout2 portb.2, n2400, [encoded22.HighBYTE, encoded22.LowBYTE, encoded11.HighBYTE, encoded11.LowBYTE ]

Receiving Pic:
serin portB.3, n2400,[ encoded22.HighBYTE, encoded22.LowBYTE, encoded11.HighBYTE, encoded11.LowBYTE]

after that i want to make the thing wireless. I have been trying to make the qualifier work in the serin command with no luck. I think this is needed because I will need to send some premamble to the receiving chip before the data right ??
